Bound Volumes: March 13, 2025 – All Otsego

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Bound Volumes

March 13, 2025


It has been rumored about the village for several days that Allen Gallup was running for Village President. It was a mistake—he was galloping. When the votes were counted on Tuesday, it was found that Mr. Gallup has been elected by a majority of 142 over W. Dean Burditt, who was running for the third time. In 1913, Mr. Burditt’s majority was 202 and in 1914 it was 114. This tremendous turning of the tide is proof of the futility of a third term campaign for Village President, although the record of the candidate is first-class. The total vote cast was 606, the largest since 1908, when the vote was 618.

March 10, 1915


Dr. Marjorie F. Murray spoke at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital lecture clinic on Friday. Her topic was “Infant Feeding.” The young infant spends most of his time sleeping, eating and crying, she said. When his food does not satisfy his needs he cries more than he should and sleeps less. Breast feeding of the infant is undoubtedly the ideal method, but inadequate breast feeding on which the baby does not thrive should not be persisted in without a supplementary formula. Artificial feeding has become increasingly successful with the practice of using sterilized or pasteurized milk and formulas of such concentrations that they equal breast milk in caloric value. The early addition of the vitamins contained in cod liver oil and orange juice is now almost universal.

March 13, 1940


Boys participating in the Sixth Grade Basketball League include Rich White, Bill VanBuren, Gary Wedderspoon, Steve Pugliese, Bill Mook, John Morris, Tom Barns, Bill Thomas, John Staffin, Bruce Buffet, Walter Bennett, John Foutch, Wayne Clinton, Dave Elliott, Dan Field, Dick Eckler, Bruce Hall, Dave Tillapaugh, Rick Winterhalter, Bill Lindsay, Fred Zoeller, and Paul Brown. Members of the Fifth Grade Basketball League include: Bruce Holden, Peter Callahan, Pat Guiney, Jim Robinson, Jeff Gill, Gordon Clark, Archie St. John, Charles Jennings, John Bowers, Dick Weiland, Charles Brooks, Dan Smith, Jeff Curtis, Don Turner, Joe Reynolds, John Cook, Peter Bradley, Mark Wilber, Dan Coons, Stanley Ashley, Les Dieterle, Dan DeSena, and David Karl.

March 10, 1965


The State University College at Oneonta’s Biological Field Station on Otsego Lake will offer a summer course for high school students in the ecology and natural history of our local freshwater and terrestrial habitats. A typical day will include a lecture, a two hour outdoor study period within the 360-acre reserve or aboard the research vessel Anodontoides, and three to four hours in the laboratory studying plant and animal specimens. Habitats studied will include forests, bogs, marshes, swamps, ponds, streams as well as Otsego Lake and the Susquehanna River. Applicants must have completed NYS Regents Biology or its equivalent.

March 14, 1990


Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller, formerly of the Cleveland Indians, will be the guest speaker at this year’s Otsego County Republican Party dinner. Feller, who was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962, is a dedicated Republican, said Charlotte Koniuto, chairman of the Otsego County party organization. The event, now in its 56th year, will be held April 5 at the Otesaga Hotel. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with a silent auction, followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Salmon and roast beef will be on the menu. The dinner is a fund-raiser for Republican office seekers. Tickets for the dinner are $50.

March 13, 2005


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