BOUND VOLUMES Oct. 17, 2018 – All Otsego

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Oct. 17, 2018


Communications – The Synod of Albany, at its last sessions in Cherry Valley, divided the Presbytery of Oneida, and formed from it a new Presbytery, to be denominated the “Presbytery of Otsego,” which by order of the Synod, is to hold its first meeting at the Presbyterian Meeting-House, in Cooperstown, on the first Tuesday of November next, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Advertisement – New Grocery. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has this day opened a new Grocery Store, the west part of the building opposite Mr. Bradford’s card factory, where he offers for sale a general assortment of groceries all of which are of the first quality, and will be disposed of on the most moderate terms for cash. Tavern keepers and others are invited to call. Jonathan Fitch.

October 18, 1819


Democrats of Otsego County! Are you ready for the great contest on November 5? Do you know your exact strength in your respective towns? If not, go to work forthwith, and organize in such a manner as to secure the positive attendance at the polls at an early hour of the day of every Democratic voter. The stake is well worth the labor, and besides, patriotism, love of country, impel to duty in this respect. Let us roll up our majority so as to secure the State Banner! Much is expected of Old Democratic Otsego – let us hold on to our good name, and more than gratify our political friends in other parts of the State. Every man upon duty, and the work is done. Otsego is the Banner County!

October 21, 1844


Orphan House of the Holy Savior – A committee of gentlemen belonging to the Episcopal Church in the new Diocese of Albany, have recently purchased the old Masters’ Farm on the eastern shore of the Lake, two miles from this village, for the purpose of opening a charitable institution under the title of “The Orphan House of the Holy Savior” – a home and industrial school for orphans, half orphans and destitute children. The institution is one of general benevolence, open to all destitute children in this part of the state. Its object is to bring up these children in accordance with Christian principles, to lives of usefulness and respectability. They will be taught to earn an honest livelihood for themselves and thus be prepared to become worthy members of society. The farm consists of 88 acres of land with a front on the lake.

October 5, 1869


An “Inquirer” asks: “What is the game called “bottle pool?” It is played on a pool table – being a billiard table with six pockets – with three balls, a leather bottle and a cue. It has the main features of billiards, is more fun, and yet requires considerable skill to be played successfully. Mr. S.S. Edick is perhaps the most expert player of the game belonging to the Mohican Club.
The first snow of the season fell Sunday, October 15, 2019, melting as fast as it came. That night the mercury dropped to the freezing point.
A sewer is to be laid through Glen Avenue extending from Railroad to Chestnut Street. And so our village improvements gradually progress.

October 18, 1894


Suitable recognition of Cooperstown as the birthplace of baseball and erection of a monument has been suggested by to the National Baseball Commission by four Ilion, New York fans, three of them big-leaguers of by-gone days. The plan will be the biggest piece of national advertising for this village that has ever been known. The four men who started the ball rolling are Hardie Richardson, one of Detroit’s star players of years ago; Mike Fogarty, another old leaguer; George E. Oliver, the Ilion Cricket Champion; and Patrick F. Fitzpatrick, also of Ilion. In a letter to Sam Crane, well known sports writer of the Hearst newspapers, the four men wrote: “Enclosed you will find express order for $1, being a payment of 25 cents each by the undersigned who are acting upon a suggestion that a memorial of baseball be established at Cooperstown, N.Y. where the game originated. (Ed. Note: Baseball historians have since established that the modern game has multiple geographic, cultural, and human roots which coalesced over decades beginning as early as the 1600s to emerge in the mid-19th century as the game we now know as baseball).

October 15, 1919


The Cardiff Giant, the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, will observe his 100th birthday on Thursday, October 16, this week. The giant, a prominent exhibit on the grounds of The Farmers’ Museum here for the past 21 years was the subject of a talk by Dr. Louis C. Jones, Director of the New York State Historical Association, at the regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club at the Hotel Otesaga on Tuesday. It was just 100 years ago on October 16, 1869 that workmen, who had been called in to dig a well on Stub Newell’s farm near Cardiff, New York, uncovered the giant gypsum marble stone figure that weighs 2,990 pounds and measures 10 feet 4.5 inches in length. (Ed. Note: The Cardiff Giant hoax, conceived in 1867-1868 by George Hull, a disgruntled cigar merchant, created a sensation, attracted international attention, and although debunked, enriched both George Hull and his co-conspirator Stub Newell).

October 5, 1969


In a dairy world dominated by men, Jennifer Huntington stands out in the crowd. This highly experienced dairy professional exemplifies the increasing role that women are assuming in the dairy industry. In addition to serving as herdsperson for her father at Cooperstown Holstein Corporation Farm just south of Cooperstown, she also sits on the Board of Directors for the Otsego County Cooperative Extension. Besides maintaining the health and performance of an all-Holstein herd of more than 500 animals, she also applies new techniques to get the best possible return from the dairy operation. “Deep down, I always wanted to be in dairy farming,” she said. I enjoy working with cattle and being outside.”

October 19, 1994


After coming off the second perfect season this decade, the CCS Redskins football team head into the Class C sectionals against Saquoit 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17, at Lambert Field.
The team’s 6-0 record, accomplished at home with a 26-0 victory Saturday the 10th against the Herkimer Magicians, bookends the decade of CCS athletic history: The 2001 team likewise had a perfect season, winning eight victories in all before being derailed in sectional competition.
This year as then, “we knew we had a lot of potential,” said Head Coach Steve Pugliese, who also coached during the 2001 undefeated season, and played on coach Ted Kantorowski’s perfect 1970 team.

October 2009


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