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Bound Volumes

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Volunteers are needed to reinforce our brave army in the field. How shall they be obtained fast enough, and in sufficient numbers? The Government offers liberal pay; but the inducement is not sufficient in this crisis. Men are needed now, and they must be had, or the rebellion becomes a success. Otsego County should furnish 400 of the 50,000 men New York is called upon to raise. To do this properly, she should donate $50 to each volunteer as an additional inducement to enlist, or to assist in taking care of his family. Why should not the country, as well as the cities, aid in this manner? Let the Supervisors of Otsego County meet immediately, and vote to raise $20,000 by loan to aid in this movement.

July 11, 1862

The Cooperstown Playgrounds opened last week for the thirteenth season under the direction of Lester G. Bursey. In the two days of activities of activities, over 100 children have registered. The director has two young people assisting him this season — Miss Catherine Foland and Walter Eggleston. Miss Foland is taking full charge of the girls’ program while on the grounds and will assist with the swimming on girls’ day.

July 14, 1937

Paul A. Donnelly of Holyoke, Massachusetts assumed his new duties last week as an administrative assistant at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital. He will handle the major portions of the hospital’s public relations program. Mr. Donnelly is a native of Holyoke. He attended Holyoke Junior College for two years before transferring to the University of New Hampshire where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1960. He graduated from the Cornell University graduate school of Business and Public Administration last month. While at Holyoke J.C. Donnelly was vice-president of his class and an outfielder on the school’s baseball team.

July 11, 1962

Bassett Hospital has announced that local pitching ace Holly Aprile of Afton, N.Y. has agreed to join their softball team for the benefit game against the WGY All-Stars, Tuesday, July 28, at Doubleday Field in Cooperstown. Miss Aprile has thrown 23 career no-hitters and is generally acknowledged to be among the top softball pitchers ever to have performed in New York State.

July 15, 1987

A red fox was found to have rabies after several village residents reported being attacked and bitten last week. On July 2, Patricia Thorpe of Estli Avenue reported being attacked by a possibly rabid fox. An hour later, Laura Kilty reported that a fox was attempting to enter her house. Cooperstown police officer Joe Kenney responded and encountered the animal outside Kilty’s home along Estli Avenue. Kenney fired five shots at the fox, striking it three times before it ran off. Half-an-hour later Judi Tripp of Lakeview Drive reported being bitten by a fox.

July 12, 2002


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