Bravin: Nelson Op-ed Was Appalling – All Otsego

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Letter from Eric Bravin

Nelson Op-ed Was Appalling

Your decision to publish the anti-American, anti-Israeli screed written by Wriley Nelson is appalling. [The Partial Observer by Wriley Nelson, October 3, 2024, “J’accuse: Every American Has Palestinian Blood on Their Hands.”]

Your own Letters to the Editor policy states that “hostile, offensive, factually incorrect or excessively inflammatory content will not be published.”

All of those perfectly describe Mr. Nelson’s column.

And to top it off, you thought his article was “well considered and meaningful.”

Have you gone mad?

Mr. Nelson’s description of our members of Congress fellating Hitler is just one of his vulgar, hateful and obscene rhetorical flourishes.

How did you find that well considered and meaningful? How is that not hostile or excessively inflammatory?

You have brought disgrace to yourselves and to “The Freeman’s Journal.”

Eric Bravin


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