Campaign Signs To Go;
Polling Issues Remain
By JIM KEVLIN • Special to

COOPERSTOWN – In light of Governor Cuomo’s decision to postpone Wednesday’s village elections statewide due , the Cooperstown candidates have said they are pulling up their lawn signs for the time being.
Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch is unopposed. MacGuire Benton, Joe Membrino and Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns are competing for two Village Board seats.
The terms of Benton and Membrino, the two incumbents, expire April 1; but Tillapaugh said that, due to the governor’s State of Emergency, they will continue to serve until the next election.
Cuomo shifted village votes to April 28, the same day at the Democratic presidential primary.
Since village elections are held at the firehall, and the primary will be held at St. Mary’s Church Hall, it’s unclear how the two votes can be meshed.
Village Administrator Teri Barown, who administers village elections, said she is awaiting guidance from NYCOM, the state Council of Mayors.
But, she said, “I have to use county inspectors. And I use the county machines, so that” – St. Mary’s hall – “may be where it ends up.”
Since many people who vote at St. Mary’s are not village residents, village voters would have to sign up twice and cast ballots on different machines.