Candidate, Otsego Town Board
EDUCATION: Associates Degree; SUNY Morrisville
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Co-owner of Greener World Landscape Maintenance since 1999. Board member, New York State Turfgrass Association, Advisory Board member, SUNY Delhi Horticulture Program, Board Member, Otsego County Development Corporation.

COMMUNITY/POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT: Currently chairman of Town of Otsego Planning Board, Planning Board member for past seven years, served a two year unexpired term as a Town of Otsego Councilman, served four years on Town of Otsego ZBA.
FAMILY: Married to Doreen for 29 years. Three children: Thomas, 28, Jeffrey, 27, Amanda 26.
My philosophy on government is that it should support the citizens it serves by providing opportunities for individual success, educational opportunities, and help to those who truly cannot help themselves. Locally, our Town government needs to take care of its roads and manage the fiscal responsibilities to which it foremost required to do.
- Currently, the Town Board has a problem relating to its citizens. They are unreceptive to listening to various citizens, and are limiting the opportunities for discussion. I would address this by first having a group meeting with the Town Board, the Planning Board, and the ZBA, moderated by an impartial individual. Secondly, I would remove the recently enacted restrictions on the public comment portion of the monthly board meetings, and make financial reports available for the public at each monthly meeting. Thirdly, I would suggest a sign be erected along County Route 26, outside of the town hall, that would post meeting schedules and any public hearings. Meeting minutes are currently not posted on the Town website until the following month, after they are approved. They need to be posted no more than two weeks after the meeting, and noted that they are as yet unapproved.
- Fiscal discipline: While the Town has had an outstanding record of managing its finances, a recent audit showed sloppy accounting and budget management. Our supervisor recently stated in a meeting that “we (the town board) are very good at spending money.” The first way to address this issue is allowing the citizens to review the financial reports on a monthly basis, and allow them the opportunity to make comments. It is amazing what can happen with collaboration from the taxpayers!
- Highways: Our current highway superintendent has done an admirable job in improving the condition of the roads in the Town. This needs to continue. Ironically, as road improvements have been made, those living on adjacent roads or roads that have not been addressed feel left out. The Town Board needs to work with the Highway Superintendent and support his decisions on prioritizing highway work, and then communicate this to the citizenry on the Town website and at monthly meetings.
QUALITIES/EXPERIENCE THAT MAKE ME BETTER CHOICE: I was born and raised in Fly Creek and Cooperstown. I am a third generation resident of the town of Otsego. I am trying to keep a fourth generation in the Town. I spent 19 years in suburban New York City, and have a broad perspective on the benefits of the rural character of the area and balancing that with opportunities we need to create to keep young people here by having affordable housing and well paying job opportunities. My experience on the various Town Boards has given me numerous opportunities to have discussions with citizens when they truly need the help of a government agency, and to try to help them through the often frustrating requirements imposed on them as property owners.
STATEMENT TO SHARE WITH VOTERS: There are two town council seats up for election this year. I am asking you to vote for me to fill one of them. I believe our current board has a singular perspective of the town, its governance, and its future. I would like to be able to contribute a point of view that is lacking with the current administration, and provide a voice for a significant portion of the town’s citizens.