
AllOTSEGO - Page 1746


SEWARD PETITION: CUT THE GAS TAX! ONEONTA – State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, today announced the launch of an on-line petition drive in support of his initiative to cut New York’s gas tax. “One of the leading national new stories is lower gasoline prices, but unfortunately, here in New York, the price drop hasn’t been quite as steep as in other states,” said Seward.  “One of the main factors keeping our gasoline prices above the rest of the nation –…

Oneontans Must Move Cars By 5 p.m. Today

Oneontans Must Move Cars By 5 p.m. Today ONEONTA – City of Oneonta crews this evening will be clearing snow from city parking lots and the top level of the parking deck.  These areas must be cleared of cars by 5 p.m.…

That Judges Returned 2 Homes Energizes 2 Trying To Save Theirs

That Judges Returned 2 Homes Energizes 2 Trying To Save Theirs COOPERSTOWN – Two citizens’ efforts to buy back their homes sold off for delinquent taxes in last year’s tax sale were in the forefront again during public comment at the county Board of Representatives’ February meeting this morning, following a report that, due to irregularities, a judge had thrown out two other tax sales. Maria Ajello, who lost her home in the Town of Richfield, and Robert Force, who…

Hall of Fame, Carol Blazina To Be Honored By Chamber

Hall of Fame, Blazina, OFO To Be Honored By Chamber ONEONTA – The Baseball Hall of Fame, former Foothills president Carol Blazina and Opportunities for Otsego will be honored at the Otsego County Chamber’s 2015 annual Celebration of Business Thursday, March 5, at SUNY Oneonta’s Hunt Union Ballroom, it was announced a few minutes ago. The Hall will be cited as the NBT Bank Distinguished Business, and Ms. Blazina, who is also retired SUNY Oneonta vice president/communications,  as the Eugene A. Bettiol…