
AllOTSEGO - Page 1752

DEC Pipeline Hearing At 6 p.m. In Oneonta

DEC Pipeline Hearing At 6 p.m. In Oneonta With a DEC hearing on the Constitution Pipeline scheduled for 6 p.m. tonight at a SUNY Oneonta lecture hall at 108 Ravine Parkway, is reporting 121 court action have been filed by the pipeline company to cross the land of reluctant property owners. DETAILS IN HOMETOWN ONEONTA, FREEMAN’S JOURNAL ON NEWSSTANDS TOMORROW…

Richfield Chamber Presidency Up For Challenge Next Week

Richfield Chamber Presidency Up For Challenge Next Week RICHFIELD SPRINGS – It looks like a rare contest is shaping up for president of a local chamber of commerce, in Richfield Springs. When the notice went out in recent days for the chamber’s annual meeting, planned at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, at the Lake House Restaurant on Canadarago Lake, it listed  Christine Corrigan, Lake House proprietor with her husband, Gene, as proposed president. Today, though, Karen Collins of Hidden Gems &…

Hamdi Ulukaya Out As Chobani CEO, NY Post Reports. Chairmanship Next?

Hamdi Ulukaya Out As Chobani CEO, NY Post Reports.  Chairmanship Next? The founder of Chobani yogurt is fast approaching his expiration date, the New York Post reported this week. Hamdi Ulukaya, the charismatic Turkish immigrant who started the brand in a former Kraft plant in South Edmeston in 2005, is being replaced as CEO and may even be stripped of his chairman role, The Post reported, quoting sources. TPG, a private-equity firm that funneled $750 million into the company last April through…

Amid Commercialization, A Humble Birth The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 With the consumerization of Christmas, it’s appropriate to remember the humble origins of the holiday. First and foremost is the babe in the manger. In what was essentially a lean-to shed filled with animals, the infant Messiah rested in a feeding trough. Jesus’ parents were simple, rural people from Nazareth, a town unfit for a king; “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” The parent’s dedication…


Christ’s Legacy Calls Us

Christ’s Legacy Calls Us The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 In the song “O Holy Night,” we hear this line in reference to Jesus: “In his name all oppression shall cease.” That, for me, is the real meaning of Christmas. It’s not about gift-giving, decorations, or being with family. Ultimately, it’s not even about the baby Jesus. The real meaning of Christmas comes to light when that baby grows up – when we hear the things…