
AllOTSEGO - Page 1753


God’s Wish: Loving World

God’s Wish: Loving World The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday Dec. 25-26, 2014 Ah, this wondrous and magical time of year! The joyous and festive sounds of Christmas Carols; excitement and anticipation in shopping for, wrapping, and then giving and receiving gifts; Christmas Trees resplendent in lights, tinsel, ornaments and star; Candlelight Services on Christmas Eve; friends and family gathered together, with the aromas and tastes we love so much – I do love Christmas! Joy to the world,…


Children Are Right About Christmas

Children Are Right About Christmas The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 Many people remind us that Christmas is “more than just gifts.” And, of course, it is true that Christmas is more than tinsel and toys and electronics wrapped up under a tree. But still, most children get it right: Christmas really is about gifts. Christmas is especially about the gifts we often take for granted. And it is about remembering who the Greatest Giver of…


We Learn Happiness Inevitable, But Perhaps Not Right This Minute

We Learn Happiness Inevitable, But Perhaps Not Right This Minute Editorial for The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 Not having watched Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life” for a few years, it was a jolt to rediscover that the movie’s deus ex machina is his contemplation, on a bridge during a wintry storm, in his cups, his S&L on bankruptcy’s brink, just having run his car into a tree, of ending it all. Instead, as…

Trustees OK Solar-Power Study

Trustees OK Solar-Power Study By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday, Dec. 25, 2014 COOPERSTOWN Within a year, Village Hall, CCS’ three buildings, perhaps Bassett and maybe even homeowners will be enjoying a 25-30 percent reduction in energy bills. That’s if all goes as hoped, following the Village Board’s unanimous vote Monday, Dec. 22, to contract with Solomon Energy of Westchester County to study solar-energy options. For the past several months, Trustee Lou Allstadt, the former Mobil…

Seward Floated For Congress

Seward Floated For Congress He’d Be First From County Since George Fairchild A Century Ago In the wake of U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson’s announcement Tuesday that he will leave Congress in 2016 at the end of his term, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, was mentioned today in The Daily Koz as a possible candidate on the Republican side. The article also mentioned Assemblyman Pete Lopez, R-Schoharie, whose district includes four Otsego County towns: Cherry Valley, Roseboom, Decatur and Worcester. A…

Jubilant Local Fracking Foes Shift Focus To Renewables, Pipeline

Jubilant Local Fracking Foes Shift Focus To Renewables, Pipeline By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Editions of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 COOPERSTOWN Today, Albany. Tomorrow, Kalangadoo, Australia. While local fracking foes were elated by Governor Cuomo’s Wednesday, Dec. 16, announcement that he plans to ban the controversial practice in New York State, they were already looking beyond. The widest-reaching is Lou Allstadt, the retired Mobil executive vice president, whose short-term plans include appearing on a Jan. 12 panel at…

Conversation On Hold: Consultant Waiting For Town, City Water Plans

Conversation On Hold: Consultant Waiting For Town, City Water Plans By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 26, 2014 At the GO-DEC meeting on Monday, Dec. 15, Fred Krone invited Town of Oneonta Supervisor Bob Wood and City Hall to talk to him “bright and early” the next morning. And Krone followed through. “I reached out to Bob Wood the next day,” he said. “We’re meeting Jan. 7, and I’m reaching out to City Hall.” Krone, the co-founder…


Litmus Test: Will Adjustments Make Village Residents’ Lives More Pleasant?

Litmus Test: Will Adjustments Make Village Residents’ Lives More Pleasant? The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 To the Editor: We are all entitled to utter vapid statements now and then. Unfortunately, at least one of mine was made out-loud, in public: At the Village Board meeting in November, during the public comment segment, I made the suggestion that if the board wanted to help Bassett Healthcare it would remove the time limit on parking in residential…


Many Have Received Unclaimed Funds. Don’t Give Up

Many Have Received Unclaimed Funds. Don’t Give Up The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 To the Editor: After reading R. Scott Duncan’s letter in last week’s newspaper describing his difficulties retrieving funds through the state Office of Unclaimed Funds, I want to offer a few thoughts. The mailing from my office was intended to notify individuals of this useful service and to help people access the more than $13 billion in unclaimed funds held by New…

Teenagers Turn Ideas Into Profit

Teenagers Turn Ideas Into Profit By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 26, 2014 It’s always been Laine Johnson’s dream to own her own bakery. “I love to bake pastries and macaroons,” she said. And now, even though she’s just 13, she’s on her way to making that dream come true. Johnson is one of eight students countywide participating in the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce’s Young Entrepreneurs Academy – YEA! – a national program which aims…