
AllOTSEGO - Page 1755


Letter Misleads On State Of Town Of Otsego Affairs

Letter Misleads On State Of Town Of Otsego Affairs The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 18-19, 2014 To the Editor: As supervisor, I wish to clarify some points in Sheila Ross’ letter of Nov. 21 implying the Town of Otsego awarded raises to many at the expense of the highway workers. The only raise awarded in the new budget was a cost-of-living 1.5 percent raise to the town clerk, whose office hours are 16 but who is on…


Search For ‘Unclaimed Funds’ Ends In Disappointment

Search For ‘Unclaimed Funds’ Ends In Disappointment HOMETOWN ONEONTA/The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 18-19, 2014 To the Editor: If you received the giant postcard from state Sen. Jim Seward’s office stating you may have “New York State Unclaimed Funds waiting for you! …There’s never any charges to search or file for unclaimed funds.” Don’t believe it. Don’t believe it. I was surfing the Internet a while back and decided to look into that site. I put in the…


Letter To Governor: Science, Economics Don’t Support Allowing Fracking In NY

Letter To Governor: Science, Economics Don’t Support Allowing Fracking In NY HOMETOWN ONEONTA/The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 19-20 Editor’s Note: Governor Cuomo revealed Monday, Dec. 15, on WCNY TV’s “Capitol Pressroom” that a fracking decision may be forthcoming by the end of the month, prompting this letter signed by 140 members of Elected Officials to Protect New York, including 25 from Otsego County, to send this letter to the governor the following day. What has happened – what…


Fresh, Brainy Town Board Needs Issue: Create Greater Oneonta

Fresh, Brainy Town Board Needs Issue: Create Greater Oneonta Editorial for The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 18-19 2014 Say you were elected to the Oneonta Town Board, determined to prevent fracking from happening in the town. Then, you discover, there’s no natural gas under the town. Now what? You’re bright, energetic. You get along well with your equally brainy and motivated colleagues, who find themselves in the same quandary. That came to mind Monday evening, Dec. 15,…

Friends Recall SUNY Oneonta Chronicler

Friends Recall SUNY Oneonta Chronicler Dr. Carey W. Brush, 1920-2013 By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 19, 2014 At Dr. Carey Brush’s memorial service on Friday, Dec. 12, the truth finally came out: “His jokes were terrible,” said Dr. Vince Foti. “But because we were all below him, we laughed. Puns were his favorite.” It has been almost a year since Dr. Brush, 93, who wrote “In Honor and Good Faith” (1965), the first history of…

Arc’s Main Street Gallery To Close After Exhibition

Arc’s Main Street Gallery To Close After Exhibition By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 19, 2014 The Main View Gallery & Studio’s seventh annual Holiday Gift Show’s opening Friday, Dec. 5, was also a farewell. Arc Otsego’s Center for Self Expression, which operates the Main View, is losing the $80,000 “Option for People Through Services” grant that has funded the gallery’s operating budget since 2007. “Ours is one of the last to close,” said Pat Knuth,…

Salvation Army Striving To Fill 900 Wish Lists

Salvation Army Striving To Fill 900 Wish Lists By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 19, 2014 With a record 900 children to care for, Capt. Evelyn Hopping of the Oneonta Salvation Army wants to make sure that not one of them has to go without new toys under the Christmas tree. “It’s important to us that these kids wake up knowing they got something from Santa,” she said. The Salvation Army oversees two holiday giving programs;…

Study To Find Use For 200-Acre Site

Study To Find Use For 200-Acre Site By JIM KEVLIN • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 19, 2014   Santa Cuomo didn’t have everything the Otsego County IDA wanted in his sack of state economic-development funding this year, but he has handed out $47,500 for a marketing study for Oneonta’s long-vacant 200-acre D&H Rail Yards. “We’re eager to get the process started,” said Sandy Mathes, CEO of the county IDA, after the governor announced this year’s awards Thursday, Dec.…

NY Ec-Dev Funds Look To Develop D&H Yards

NY Ec-Dev Funds Look To Develop D&H Yards By JIM KEVLIN • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Dec. 19, 2014 Jeff House loves it when a plan comes together. The Thursday, Dec. 11, news of a $19,000 CFA grant for a market study of an “entertainment district” along Market Street is just the latest in a string of good news for downtown Oneonta: • Ten days earlier, a $200,000 CDBG grant was announced that will upgrade storm-water sewers along Market Street,…

English Carpet Expert Finds Gold At Hyde Hall

English Carpet Expert Finds Gold At Hyde Hall By LIBBY CUDMORE • The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014 HYDE BAY Within fifteen minutes of arriving at Hyde Hall, David Luckham may have solved one of the house’s oldest mysteries. “This is a classic Wilton pattern,” he said, examining a length of carpet that Executive Director Jon Maney and his Hyde Hall team had recovered from the drawing room. “An Axminster loom is capable of weaving multiple colors,…