
AllOTSEGO - Page 1774

John Nader Among 4 Finalists For Herkimer College President

John Nader Among 4 Finalists For Herkimer College President Dr. John S. Nader, SUNY Delhi provost and former mayor of Oneonta, is one of four finalists for president of Herkimer County Community College.  The college announced today that the four will be invited to Herkimer in December for campus forums before a final decision is made. The other three are Dr. Eunice Bellinger, vice president/academic affairs, Niagara County Community College; Dr. Stuart T. Blacklaw, vice president for instruction and student…

Town Of Otsego Overestimated Revenues, State Auditors Find

Town Of Otsego Overestimated Revenues, State Auditors Find FLY CREEK – The Otsego Town Board “did not adopt realistic budgets; budgets varied significantly from the actual results each year,” state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli concluded in an audit of town finances released over the weekend.  The Town of Otsego includes the Village of Cooperstown west of the Susquehanna River. An analysis showed divergences at high as 64 percent between estimated and actual revenues over four years. In her response to DiNapoli, Supervisor Anne Geddes-Atwell…

Enthusiastic Frank Rollins Fans Find Mementos In His Archives

Enthusiastic Frank Rollins Fans Find Mementos In His Archives COOPERSTOWN – Hundreds of Cooperstonians are taking trips down memory lane at this hour, looking through thousands of the remaining images from Frank Rollins photo archives and buying those memories for 25 cents apiece. Rollins, who was hired as a Cooperstown school teacher in the late 1950s, and for the next half-century took tens of thousands of photos – from street scenes, to school plays, to formal graduation portraits, to sporting…

Frank Rollins’ Images Available To All

Frank Rollins’ Images Available To All By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 COOPERSTOWN Frank Rollins joined Cooperstown High School in 1957 as a vocal teacher. That was his career. But he also spent the next half-century with a camera around his neck recording village life, sports matches, graduations, school plays, weddings, community life, tens of thousands of images. That is his legacy. He retired in 1974 from teaching, but continued shooting, with negatives…

County Considers End To Cooperstown DMV

County Considers End To Cooperstown DMV By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 It may not happen, but one option on the table right now as the Otsego County Board of Representatives completes its budget deliberations is closing the Department of Motor Vehicles’ Cooperstown office and consolidating DMV operations in Oneonta. It’s one of a few unresolved issues – in addition to merging Oneonta’s two senior citizen sites into one, at Nader Towers, giving…


As Susquehanna’s Source, Pure Water Matters Here Most

As Susquehanna’s Source, Pure Water Matters Here Most By SANDRA VITTI & LARRY BENNETT Edition of Thursday-Friday Nov. 13-14 The Susquehanna River is the longest river in the East, providing drinking water to millions of people and a place for residents across multiple states to boat, swim and fish. What’s more, Cherry Valley Creek, Moss Pond and other local waterways help support dozens upon dozens of small businesses that help New Yorkers use and explore their waterways. Brewery Ommegang, for…

Parents, Don’t Send Wrong Message About Gambling

Parents, Don’t Send Wrong Message About Gambling Editor’s Note: Dr. Dostal is executive director of the LEAF Council on Alcoholism & Addictions. As we gear up for the height of the football season and cheer of the holiday season, I want to take this time to remind parents that seemingly insignificant family happenings can have a lasting impact on children. If you want to gamble on sites like, then that’s 100% fine! Just be aware of the surrounding impact…