
AllOTSEGO - Page 1789


CHARTING FUTURE: 90 Citizens Discuss What Might Be By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014 When you hear “Cooperstown,” what one word comes to mind? The 90 people at the Design Charrette Monday, Oct. 6, answered: Beautiful, parochial, idyllic, struggling, lucky, tired, over-baseballed, jobless, pastoral, shrinking, safe. Asked what they hope to see their community become in 10 years, they replied (verbatim, as written on flip charts): vibrant but quaint, progressive in its energy use,…


Left Alone, Yanks, Ukrainians Friends

Left Alone, Yanks, Ukrainians Friends Edition of Thursday-Friday Oct. 9-10 To the Editor, With all that is going on in the Ukraine, this may be of interest to World War II buffs. My husband Jerry Waller was, for two and a half years, in the Eighth Air Force in England. Suddenly, a group from his squadron was sent by ship down the coast of France to Gibraltar and across the Mediterranean to Cairo. From there they went by truck and…


Friendly Elephant Means No Harm, But Is What It Is

Friendly Elephant Means No Harm, But Is What It Is Edition of Thursday-Friday, Oct. 9-10 To the Editor: I want to make it clear that at the public hearing on Monday, Sept. 29, I was not speaking against Bassett Healthcare; I was speaking against the strange and needless effort of village officials to create an Institutional District in place of a Residential District. I did note Bassett’s construction of a massive addition to the original hospital and its construction of…


Village Of Cooperstown CAN Be A Constructive Partner In Bassett’s Future

Village Of Cooperstown CAN Be A Constructive Partner In Bassett’s Future Edition of Thursday-Friday Oct. 9-10, 2014 To the Editor, I would like to make a small contextual clarification to my published statement made after the no vote on the Hospital Zone. First, I don’t remember saying “forever” (but in the heat of the moment maybe I did). Second, I made that statement out loud to the mayor after I, and I believe Lou Allstadt (possibly others) wanted to have…


More Local Laws? Instead, Let Us Reason Together

More Local Laws? Instead, Let Us Reason Together Edition of Thursday-Friday, Oct. 9-10 Attorney Doug Zamelis, it’s become evident around here over recent years, is a guy you want on your side of any legal fight. That first inkling came when, representing opponents of Community Energy’s 70-75 Jordanville Wind Farm (later Iberdrola’s), he identified violations of the state’s Open Meetings Law to take things back to zero. The project – the towers would have been visible from Otsego Lake –…

Reporter Libby Cudmore’s Novel Accepted By Top NYC Publisher

Reporter Libby Cudmore’s Novel Accepted By Top NYC Publisher By JIM KEVLIN • HOMETOWN ONEONTA, The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday-Friday, Oct. 9-10, 2014 It had been a bad week, and suddenly Libby Cudmore was crying. But they were tears of joy. At the other end of the telephone Tuesday, Sept. 30, was Jim McCarthy, a vice president at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management, the agency that, among other notable authors, represented President Obama in placing his memoir, “Dreams of…

At 15 Years, Artisans’ Guild Still Flourishing Downtown

At 15 Years, Artisans’ Guild Still Flourishing Downtown By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Oct. 10, 2014 Fifteen years ago, Deb Blake and Ellie Stromberg took a chance on an empty storefront and turned it into a mainstay of Main Street. “We wanted the Artisans’ Guild to be a place where local people could get beautiful handmade things,” said Blake. After UCCCA closed its gallery shop (where Razzle Dazzle is now located) Blake and Stromberg strongly urged…

Ventriloquism Helps Deliver Word Of God

Ventriloquism Helps Deliver Word Of God By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Oct. 10, 2014 Even if his lips aren’t moving, Rev. Frank Westcott is still speaking the word of God. “I tell Bible stories with my ventriloquist dummy, Bucky,” said Westcott. “I can have a whole audience of adults, and they just love it.” Westcott, who has succeeded Pastor Mel Farmer at River Street Baptist Church, first brought Bucky up to the pulpit to tell the…

Chickens Don’t Fly

Chickens Don’t Fly By LIBBY CUDMORE•HOMETOWN ONEONTA, THE FREEMAN’S JOURNAL (Edition of Friday, Oct. 10) Oneonta residents will have to wait a little longer before they start their mornings with eggs fresh from their own chickens. In the half hour of public comment at the Common Council’s meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 7, Council members heard passionate arguments from both sides of the chicken debate. “This is a particularly foul idea,” said Frank O’Mara, Ford Avenue. “It’s guaranteed to pit neighbor…

Common Council Finds Little Of Merit In Charter Review

Common Council Finds Little Of Merit In Charter Review By JIM KEVLIN • ONEONTA – For a rancorous 90 minutes this evening, Common Council debated the 20-page Charter Review Commission report and decided to do little about its recommendations. “The council feels, virtually unanimously, that the charter was implemented,” Mayor Dick Miller said when it was over, summing up the sense of the board.  Miller had appointed the commission to review the charter, approved by a wide margin in…