
AllOTSEGO - Page 1809

Kuzminski, On Capitol Pressroom, Discusses Populism’s Success Here

Kuzminski, On Capitol Pressroom, Discusses Populism’s Success Here Populism, locally based, is the answer to a world governed by shortage and concentration of power, Adrian Kuzminski, Sustainable Otsego moderator, said today in an interview on WCNY’s Capitol Pressroom. As an example, he discussed the locally based undertaking in Otsego County and elsewhere help stem the rush toward fracking in New York State, Kuzminski, Fly Creek, told host Susan Arbetter. NIMBY is good, he said. “In the last generation or two,…

CNY Tourism Region’s ‘Brew Central’ Wins U.S. Destination Council Award

CNY Tourism Region’s ‘Brew Central’ Wins U.S. Destination Council Award UTICA – The U.S. Travel Association Destinations Council has recognized the Central New York Vacation Region’s Brew Central initiative as the best “Branding and Integrated Marketing Campaign” in the country for its budget range. Brew Central took home the Destiny Award in the under $1 million budget category at the U.S. Travel Association’s annual conference in Louisville, Ky.   The Destination Marketing Corp. of Otsego County is part of the…

Zephyr Teachout Appearance Rescheduled For Saturday

Zephyr Teachout Appearance Rescheduled For Saturday ONEONTA – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout’s Oneonta appearance, scheduled for today, has been rescheduled for 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Foothills Performing Arts Center.  …

Gibson To Highlight Wightman Energy Efficiency

Gibson To Highlight Wightman Energy Efficiency PORTLANDVILLE – Congressman Chris Gibson, R-19, who is running for a third term, will tour Wightman Specialty Woods here at 11 a.m. Friday, and will discuss the Power Act, which supports investments in sustainable heating technology. Wightman, which uses a process of burning wood scraps and saw dust to heat the building used for the lumber drying process. has not had to purchase fuel for over 5 years.…

Otsego Electric Coop Crew, CEO Doused Participating In ALS ‘Ice Bucket’ Challenge

Otsego Electric Coop Crew, CEO Doused Participating In ALS ‘Ice Bucket’ Challenge HARTWICK – Otsego Electric Cooperative President Steve Rinell asked his employees to participate in the ALS “Ice Bucket” Challenge that has raised $93 million so far to help fight Lou Gehrig Disease.  At 4 p.m. today, then took him up on it. The coop crew filled a backhoe bucket with water and ice and, with Steve sitting in their midst, underwent an icy dousing. For the privilege of…