
AllOTSEGO - Page 1812

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 14, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 14, 2014 125 Years Ago The Oneonta Phosphate Company uses material which has heretofore gone to waste. It is located about one mile east of the village. The superintendent of this company, Mr. A.B. Coffin, began the manufacture of phosphate about five years ago in the village of Middlefield. He gradually enlarged his works there till he was able to send out 240 tons a year. But the lack of railway facilities hampered him. Accordingly he came…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 14, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, August 14, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – For Sale, Twenty-six and three fourths of an acre of Land, lying about equally divided on both sides of the Great Western Turnpike Road, seven miles west of Cooperstown, in the Town of Otsego, being part of Lot No. 33, in Croghan’s Patent, formerly occupied by Samuel S. Munro, deceased. On the premises are a Log House, and a new Barn, 26 by 36 feet, with a thriving Orchard of…

Eldridge Opens Campaign Office In Oneonta

Eldridge Opens Campaign Office In Oneonta ONEONTA – Sean Eldridge, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 19th District, was in Oneonta this morning opening a field office at 152-154 Main St.  …

60 Camp Owner, Concerned DOT Will Take Land, Listen To Lawyer

60 Camp Owners, Concerned DOT Will Take Land, Listen To Lawyer By JIM KEVLIN • COOPERSTOWN – Sixty people are meeting at this hour in The Otesaga’s Templetown Lounge to voice concerns that the state DOT may take their land to attorney Gilbert Hoffman, Syracuse, who specializes in matters concerning deeds and land titles. Hoffman was invited by Caroline and Jim Sever, who own one of three camp properties that are immediately threatened by DOT plans to stabilize West…