
AllOTSEGO - Page 1815

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 24, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 24, 2012 125 Years Ago I saw Bob Ford, the murderer of Jesse James at Las Cerrillos, a mining town here recently. He is penniless, or about so, his blood money having been exhausted long since by riotous living. He is a hanger on of saloons and gambling dens, and manages somehow to make a living. He is cordially detested by the people and by miners generally, who are themselves often very rough in ways and deeds,…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 31, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 31, 2012 125 Years Ago The Local News – The state factory inspector paid Oneonta a visit on Tuesday and Wednesday. Fire escapes and swing doors were ordered in several places, and in one case, a boy under the age of 13 years was ordered out of a cigar factory. The inspector left stating that he should be back before long to see that his orders had been duly complied with. The Guy table company will turn…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 7, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 7, 2012 125 Years Ago There is no denying that the hops crop this year in New York State will be far heavier than was estimated. In some cases yards are yielding fully one-half more than was calculated upon a few weeks ago. The quality has not been surpassed in many years. Growers are selling freely at 18 cents. John R. Scott has bought the growth of A.G. Morris & Son, 125 bales, at this price, and…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 14, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 14, 2012 100 Years Ago The Central New York Fair, the big event of the year in this city, opens next Monday for four days. The association will distribute $5,000 in premiums and prizes to exhibitors of articles. An equal amount will be spent for the aviators, the races, and the roof garden attractions for entertainment. The association believes that it will sustain fully its reputation of giving the best value for 25 cents of any county…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 21, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 21, 2012 125 Years Ago There has been a lively movement in real estate in the locality of the proposed Normal School the past week, property having been sold as follows: To L.H. Blend, four lots on Normal Street, $1,200; H.D. Yager, lot on Normal Street, $400; George Kirkland, two lots, corner of Maple and Cedar streets, $1,500; Dr. J.H. Van Rensselaer, lot on Cedar Street, $650; W.H. Mereness, lot on Cedar Street, $650, and lot between…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 28, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, September 28, 2012 125 Years Ago On Monday afternoon, with appropriate ceremonies, the corner stone was laid of the new Presbyterian Church of Oneonta. There was a goodly attendance at the services, many of those having been present having been identified with the Presbyterian Church of Oneonta for a great many years. The services were opened by words of welcome from I.S. Osborn, the senior elder of the church, after which letters were read by G.W. Reynolds, from…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 5, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 5, 2012 125 Years Ago Mrs. A.B. Ford has died under peculiar circumstances. On Friday she visited the grounds while the Deposit Fair was in progress, one of the attractions being the balloon ascension. Mrs. Ford watched the balloon as it shot toward the sky, and when the aerialist suddenly dropped from the basket onto the trapeze below, she uttered an exclamation and dropped to the ground unconscious, in which condition she remained until death intervened. A…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 12, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 12, 2012 125 Years Ago John Hartigan, brakeman for conductor Carter of train 28, was killed at 11:30 last night near the Fonda Avenue crossing. Hartigan, an unmarried man of 33, came from Binghamton on Train 28, and was making up the train for its return when he went between the engine and car to make a coupling. In some way he missed his calculation, and was caught at the chest between the deadwoods and crushed so…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 19, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 19, 2012 125 Years Ago Stephen Parish, an old and respected resident of Oneonta, died on Thursday last at his home, on River Street. Mr. Parish was a son of the late Andrew Parish, and was born on the farm owned by him at his death, on the south side of the river near this village. This farm the father, Squire Parish, whose widow is still living on River Street, bought when that part of Oneonta was…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 26, 2012

HOMETOWN HISTORY, October 26, 2012 125 Years Ago Another of the old landmarks of Oneonta goes with the razing of the old Goodyear saw mill at this village. The mill has become practically useless because of the failure of the water power by reason of the change in the channel of the Susquehanna above the dam. It is understood that the mill yard is to be divided into building lots by Miss Lyman and sold as such. The members of…