
AllOTSEGO - Page 1818

HOMETOWN HISTORY, March 29, 2013

HOMETOWN HISTORY, March 29, 2013 125 Years Ago People say prices are inflated now and that we are overdoing it. Such critics should have been here sixteen years ago. Why, there is any quantity of well-situated property in the central part of the town that doesn’t yet command the figure it was held at in 1872. The change of recent years, the advance in value, has been largely felt along Main Street, and in the outlying districts. Main Street frontages…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 5, 2013 125 Years Ago Hiram F. McMullen, a car inspector on the N.Y.O. & W.R.R. was run over and killed at Sidney on Tuesday. The cars were unprotected by flags, and as McMullen was in the act of crawling under to reach the other side of the track, a train in charge of conductor Allen, backed in upon the cars, catching his left hand just as he placed it upon the rail, severing it at the…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 12, 2013

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 12, 2013 125 Years Ago Under the rules and regulations of the Board of Health, “every privy vault and cesspool shall be cleaned and contents thereof removed at least once in each year, and on or before the first of May,” etc. It is hoped that citizens will appreciate the importance of complying with the requirement and govern themselves accordingly. The farther the contents of these receptacles of filth can be removed from the human habitation the…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 19, 2013

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 19, 2013 125 Years Ago When the whistle blew on Tuesday noon, in recognition of the signing of the school bill, Detective Bissell’s St. Bernard dog Ben thought there was a fire, as did plenty of others. Ben sprung from the stoop on Dietz Street and started on a wild run for the Lewis hose rooms, the company he travels with. He stopped on Main Street, and seeing that the boys were not running for their cart,…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 26, 2013

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 26, 2013 100 Years Ago The lives of more than 100 miners were snuffed out shortly after noon today (April 23, 1913) when a disastrous explosion occurred in the Cincinnati Mine at the Monongahela Consolidated Coal and Coke Company at Finleyville, about 27 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. More than three score of workmen in the mine made thrilling escapes to the surface, crawling most of the time on their hands and knees through deadly gas fumes and…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 3, 2013 125 Years Ago C.M. French announces his readiness to receive visitors and patrons at his portrait and art studios, rooms Nos. 12 and 13, Ford Block, opposite the post office. In addition to his portrait work, Mr. French will open a school for the study of industrial and fine art in room 13, which will be fitted up with the necessary studies, antique casts, etc., for a thorough course of study in drawing and painting.…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 10, 2013 125 Years Ago The assembly has passed the Fassett bill prohibiting the sale of cigarettes, tobacco, etc., to children under sixteen, and it has gone to the governor for his signature. There has been a strong demand for the passage of the bill from all portions of the state, and there seems no doubt of its becoming a law. Nowhere is the urgency of a law regulating the sale of cigarettes more strongly felt than…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 17, 2013 125 Years Ago Just below the Plains Crossing, near this village, early in the week, the body of a black cat was found upon the track, cut in twain by the cars. “I wouldn’t be in the engineer’s place what run over that cat for all the money the company’s got,” said a railroad employee. “It doesn’t often happen that a cat gets caught, but to run over a black cat means death every time.”…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 24, 2013 125 Years Ago The Local News – An order for steel rails for the Oneonta Street Railway Company has been placed with the Johnston Steel Rail Co. of Johnstown, PA. The rails are expected here in about three weeks. The capital stock of the street railroad company is $20,000, not $15,000, as stated last week. Reuben Reynolds and Fred Wilcox are among the largest stockholders. The Guy Table Company has changed its name to the…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 31, 2013 125 Years Ago A letter to an editor: Woman’s True Rights – I will take “Woman’s Rights” for my subject. I am in favor of what I call woman’s rights, but am not in favor of voting. Think that woman’s rights is to take proper care of the household; to see that everything is in readiness for her lord and master and for his enjoyment. But as to woman going to the polls on Election…