
AllOTSEGO - Page 1823

‘Gus The Bus’ Will Connect Oneonta, Butternuts Valley

‘Gus The Bus’ Will Connect Oneonta, Butternuts Valley ONEONTA – Effective today, Otsego Express (known as Gus the Bus) will be traveling between Oneonta, Morris, Gilbertsville, and New Berlin, with a new route that will be known as Route 14. Route 14’s bus departs Oneonta approximately 7 a.m. and travels through Morris, Gilbertsville and Mount Upton on its way to New Berlin. Riders in Morris can catch the bus on its way back to Oneonta approximately 10:30, where they can transfer…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, March 28, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, March 28, 2014 100 Years Ago From alterations about the front of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, the seating capacity of the edifice will be increased by 40 for each service held therein. Many who have been unable to obtain seats at either mass will in the future be assured of a sitting. The altar has been moved back about four feet from its former position, the altar rail moved a like distance, and in the newly acquired place,…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 4, 2014 100 Years Ago Arrangements were completed yesterday for the lease of Wilcox Flats for the use of Barnum & Bailey’s Circus on Friday, July 10, and the contracting agent, Mr. McIntyre, closed the contract after residents of the city had become responsible for $50 additional to the rental which the circus people would pay. The Mssrs. Wilcox, yielding to the arguments of the local parties who interested themselves in the matter, consented to accept the…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 11, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 11, 2014 125 Years Ago Louise Arnot and company will begin a week’s engagement at the Metropolitan on Monday evening, opening in the popular drama “49.” Miss Arnot is pronounced one of the best actresses ever appearing in Oneonta, and her support is first class. Popular prices: 10, 20 and 30 cents. There is no better place to form an idea of the number of new buildings now being built in Oneonta can be found than on…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 18, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 18, 2014 125 Years Ago The Local News: Tuesday was moving day at the Oneonta Union School, and though many boys and girls, on passing to new grades and advanced studies regretted separation from the care and instruction of teachers for whom they have formed attachments, yet there was much elation, and new ambitions were awakened. One little fellow, in speaking of the future, mapped out his entire course of study in his present school, and finished…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 8, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, August 8, 2014 125 Years Ago Oneonta’s baseball club met the Walsh nine of Albany on the fairgrounds last Friday afternoon and was defeated 13 to 3. The interest shown in the game by the citizens was good and the attendance quite large. It must be conceded that the town players were not quite up to their usual form, much of their weakness being in the outfield. On Tuesday, in a game played with the Cooperstown club, a…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, July 25, 2014 100 Years Ago Charles A. Scut, age 23, of Harpersfield, Delaware County, was the victim of swindlers in the City of Albany which he visited, taking with him the sum of $250 and returning with only 15 cents to his name. On Wednesday night Scut made the acquaintance of Nellie Condon and became thoroughly enamored of the young woman. The two went to 43 Hudson Avenue where Scut remained in residence for several days. There,…

Novelists Saunders, Spiotta Join 900 Decrying Strong-Arm Amazon Tactics

Novelists Saunders, Spiotta Join 900 Decrying Strong-Arm Amazon Tactics By JIM KEVLIN • Local writers George Saunders and Dana Spiotta were among 900 authors who took out a two-page ad in today’s New York Times decrying Amazon “directly targetting” authors to extract contract concessions from their publisher, Hachette. Sherman Alexie, who delivered SUNY Oneonta’s Mills Distinguished Lecture last September after his 2007 novel “Flight” was the college’s first “common read,” also signed the ad. They join John Grisham, Stephen King, James Patterson…