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Mayor Says Action On Charter Review Will Wait Until New Manager Named

Mayor Says Action On Charter Review Will Wait Until New Manager Named ONEONTA – The Charter Review Commission is scheduled to report the findings of its four-month study of how the new city charter has been implemented at tonight’s Common Council meeting, beginning at 7. But Mayor Dick Miller said the recommendations, developed after the abrupt retirement of Oneonta’s first city manager, Mike Long, won’t be considered until the next city manager is hired.  “The question becomes, how does the…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 25, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, April 25, 2014 125 Years Ago G.H. St. John, representing A.C. Couch, president of the Oneonta and Richfield Springs railroad company, made Oneonta a visit in the interest of the proposed railroad on Tuesday. It is a singular fact that notwithstanding both from the name of the company and the commercial importance of Oneonta the town would naturally be supposed to be one of the first places the projection of the line would visit. However, this was the…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 2, 2014 125 Years Ago Within a few miles of Oneonta resides a farmer, who a few weeks ago, in sugar time, had some fun. He had a good store of sap on hand, which he was intending to convert into sugar the next day. Some young men of the neighborhood were aware of the fact, and gathered that night in his sap bush to save him the trouble. They were having a good old time about…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 9, 2014 125 Years Ago The Arbor Day exercises in Oneonta were of a very interesting nature. At the school grounds on Academy Street the program included a prayer by the Rev. A.B. Coats, singing and recitations by the school children, and remarks by principal Bull. The members of the school board were present and also a large number of spectators. An oak tree some three inches in diameter was planted, and when it came to voting…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 16, 2014 125 Years Ago The postponed games of the Oneonta baseball club will surely be played next week Thursday and Saturday afternoons. The Cooperstown and Oneonta game will be the first one and Abbott will be in the box for the home team. The Saturday game between the Afton and Oneonta clubs will undoubtedly be the best game of baseball ever witnessed on the home grounds. On this day, the Oneonta team will be made up…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 23, 2014 125 Years Ago The Local News – A son of John Yager left home suddenly some time Saturday night. He left a note saying he had gone to Canada. A valuable horse and buggy, belonging to his father, is missing. One of the best acts of the legislature of 1889 was in amending Section 290 of the penal code making it a misdemeanor to sell cigarettes to children. The law reads as follows: “A person…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, May 30, 2014 100 Years Ago Mayor John P. Mitchel of New York City and Chief Engineer J. Waldo Smith of the New York Board of Water Supply, with several engineers, were in Prattsville and vicinity last week inspecting the Schoharie Valley watershed and considering plans for the construction of a second giant dam and reservoir to be built as an adjunct to the great reservoir now being completed at Ashokan on the Ulster and Delaware railroad. The…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, June 6, 2014 125 Years Ago A petition is being circulated asking the board of trustees to pave Main Street from Grove Street to the Silver Creek bridge; Broad Street from Main Street to the railroad; and Chestnut Street from Main Street to the westerly limits of the Windsor Hotel. The petition is being very generally signed by property owners and will be presented to the Board of trustees next Monday evening. The boundaries described above, it will…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, June 13, 2014 125 Years Ago That the people of Oneonta are thoroughly aroused over the street paving question, was shown by the large turnout of citizens at the meeting last evening of village trustees. A petition generally signed by property owners along Main Street was presented to the board, asking that the street be macadamized. The key to the situation appears to be with the street car company. If it will consent to pave between the tracks…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, June 20, 2014 125 Years Ago Silver Creek, which winds its way through the eastern center of the village, got on the rampage early Monday morning after a heavy downpour of rain, and did considerable damage. The bridge across Center Street had a portion of its foundation wall washed away and was damaged $150. At the Walnut Street bridge, owing to obstructions caused by flood debris, great damage would have been done but for the timely arrival of…