
AllOTSEGO - Page 1828

BOUND VOLUMES, June 14, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, June 14, 2012 175 YEARS AGO In 1837, there are in the State of New York 798 towns and 9 cities. There are at present 124 incorporated villages. There are 1,746 post offices. The amount of tolls collected on all the New York canals in 1836 was $1,614,336.43. The number of boats registered in the Comptroller’s Office as navigating the canals in 1836, 3,167. There are 11 railroads now in operation in the state running over rails a…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 21, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, June 21, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Comets doubtless answer some wise and good purpose in the creation – so do Women. Comets are incomprehensible, beautiful, and eccentric – so are Women. Comets shine with peculiar splendor, but at night appear most brilliant – so do Women. Comets are enveloped with a lucid nebula, through which their forms are visible – so are those of Women, through their light and elegant attire. Comets confound the most learned when men…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 28, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, June 28, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Ran Away – From the Subscriber, on the 25th of June, instant, a servant boy, by the name of Stephen Scudder, aged 18 years, the sixth day of April last. It is expected he will enlist into the United States Army at Otsego. I forbid all persons harboring or trusting him on my account; any person apprehending him, and returning him back to me, shall have one cent reward and…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 5, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, July 5, 2012 200 YEARS AGO The period which we have, from the most pure and disinterested motives so long and so deeply deplored, has at last arrived. War against Great Britain and her dependencies, has been solemnly declared by the constituted authorities of the United States. Calculating largely on the united patriotism of the citizens of the United States, the government has taken a bold attitude. They have not been mistaken. War is declared. Duty will now…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 12, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, July 12, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Ran Away from the subscriber on the 25th of June, a servant boy by the name of Stephen Scudder, aged 18 years, the sixth day of April last; it is expected he will enlist into the United States Army at Otsego. I forbid all persons harboring or trusting him on my account; any person apprehending him, and returning him back to me, shall have one cent reward and no charges…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 26, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, July 26, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Five Dollars Reward! Ran away from the subscriber on the 19th instant; A Negro man, named Thomas, about 18 years of age, nearly six feet high, very large feet, and a scar under one eye. Whoever shall return said Negro to the subscriber, shall receive the above reward and all necessary charges. James Morehouse, Maryland, July 20, 1812 July 25, 1812 175 YEARS AGO Mr. Poinsett, Secretary of War and…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 2, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, August 2, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement: List (partial) of letters addressed to recipients remaining at the post office in Cooperstown – John Abbey, Flavel Beadle, Chester E. Badger, Cyrus Clark, Cyrenus Clark, Calvin Day, James Divine, John Earl, Holden Eldred, Jonathan Fisk, Joseph Grovenor, William Hyslop, Ebenezer Ingals, Jeremiah Jones, Hugh McKinzie, Lydia Lisk, Amasa Mudge, Aaron Norton, Robert Odle, Oliver Peck, Reuben Root, Eliphalet Spencer, James Steward, Ira Tanner, Robert Van Schaick, Nancy Whipple, and Levi…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 9, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, August 9, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Suicide. On Monday last week, a Squaw, called Dimmis, of the Stockbridge tribe of Indians, an itinerant, but resident a short time in this Village, having been taught that the whites, when disappointed in their choice of a sweetheart, sometimes hung themselves, or ended their life by some other mortal means, and having taken a fancy that she was “crossed in love,” procured two ounces of opium, took nearly the whole, sufficient…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 16, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, August 16, 2012 175 YEARS AGO State Lunatic Asylum – The commissioners for locating a site for the State Lunatic Asylum, have purchased a farm in Utica, consisting of 125 acres, at an expense to the state of $10,000, which sum has been paid from the Treasury. The location is believed to be a very favorable one, and as the same farm sold one year ago for $100,000, there is very little doubt that the locating commissioners have…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 23, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, August 23, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Reprinted from the London Courier – “America knows not that the vigor of the British Empire increases with the necessity of exerting it – that our elasticity rises with the pressure upon us – that difficulties only make us more firm and undaunted – that dangers only give us the additional means of overcoming them. It is in such a state of affairs, in such a great crisis, that a nation like…