
AllOTSEGO - Page 1829

Glimmerglass, Bassett Help Deter Cancers

Glimmerglass, Bassett Help Deter Cancers By Giving Employees Wide-Brimmed Hats   COOPERSTOWN – Once again this season, The Glimmerglass Festival has teamed up with the Bassett Cancer Institute and Bluemack Creative Marketing/Promotional Products to combat heat-related illnesses, sunburn and skin cancer by providing staff with wide-brimmed hats. The partnership was inspired by Bassett Cancer Institute radiation oncologist Dr. Naoyuki G. Saito, who says, “I’m a big fan of the Glimmerglass Festival and this was something easy to do that would…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 30, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, August 30, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Federal Doctrine in 1792 (20 years earlier): “Revere and cling to the Federal constitution – Be ever vigorous in support of the constituted authorities – Submit proudly to the will of the majority – Keep the union inviolate – Be the Friends of law and order – Oppose all combinations and popular societies, by whatever names they may be called, viz. Democratic or Malevolent – Frown indignantly on all combinations and societies,…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 6, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, September 6, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Sound Logic – I saw two who are called federalists. I advanced & gave & received the salutations of the hour: says the first – let’s see – you are a republican tory – No, sir, I replied – I am a Whig, since the war admits but those two classes: are you sir, a tory – No sir, he replied, I am a true American. Then, says I, we are agreed…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 13, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, September 13, 2012 200 YEARS AGO On Saturday, last, toward sunset, the sound of drum and fife, announced something martial. Soon, a regiment of volunteer militia commanded by Lieut. Col. Farrington, from the county of Delaware, appeared, preceded by an escort from this village of about 30 citizens, on horseback and a number of infantry. The regiments pitched their beautiful tents near to and eastwardly of the Court-house, which exhibited a spectacle, novel and interesting to a great…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 20, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, September 20, 2012 200 YEARS AGO The United States frigate Essex, Capt. Porter, came into the Delaware Bay on Monday last, from a successful cruise of 70 days. On the Banks of Newfoundland, he captured the British sloop of war Alert, of 20 guns (18-pound carronades) and 130 men, who had been sent out expressly for the purpose of capturing the Hornet. The action was very short; the Alert poured a broadside into the Essex, who gave her…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 27, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, September 27, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Casualty – Another accident has happened from carelessness about fire-arms. A Mr. Webster, belonging, as we understand, to a new Artillery Company, lately raised in Cincinnatus and its vicinity, being ordered by the commanding officer to drive home the cartridge, which had just been attempted to be fired without effect (the priming having burnt out) had one hand blown off, the other so dreadfully injured as to render amputation necessary immediately, and…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 4, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, October 4, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Marriage Notice – In the evening of the 15th September last by the Rev. Samuel Martin, the Rev. John Smith, of Cooperstown, Otsego County, and state of New York, to Miss Polly Laird, of Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania. (Ed. Note: Rev. Smith served as pastor of the Cooperstown Presbyterian Church from 1812 until 1834; the wedding took place in Pennsylvania) October 3, 1812 175 YEARS AGO Suicide – We learn from…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 11, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, October 11, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Take Notice: Lost some time since, a Note of hand against Benjamin Parker, of eighteen dollars and fifty cents, payable on the first day of October, 1812, with interest, payable to Silas Peet, and believed to be negotiable; this is therefore to warn the public against purchasing said Note if it should be offered for sale, as the same has been paid. Silas Peet, Edmeston, September 29, 1812. October 10,…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 18, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, October 18, 2012 175 YEARS AGO Democracy in Harmony with Social Progress – Equality Against Privilege – The doctrine that government should rest on property is no American doctrine. It belongs to the school of the English aristocracy; it may suit the aristocracy of finance that seeks to plant itself firmly in the court of Louis Philippe; America rejects the doctrine; and the men of Massachusetts, who, in the first days of the Commonwealth, unhappily disenfranchised many, were…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 25, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, October 25, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – New books just received from New York and Philadelphia, and for sale by H. & E. Phinney, Jun., among which are, Robertson’s History of Scotland, 2 vols. A new edition; 2 vols.; Thinks I to Myself, Who? – Memoirs of Prince Eugine, of Savoy; Life of Washington, by Weems; Scotts’ Theological Works, 5 vols.; Oriental Customs, 2 vols.; The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus, 7 vols.; Plutarch’s Lives, J. &…