
AllOTSEGO - Page 1830

BOUND VOLUMES, November 1, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, November 1, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Yesterday, William Henman, a soldier of the 15th United States’ regiment, in pursuance of the sentence of a court martial, was shot. His crime was desertion, with intent to go over to the enemy. Another soldier of that regiment, who deserted at the same time, was brought out for execution, but was pardoned by General Bloomfield; it having appeared that he was enticed away by Henman. October 31, 1812 175 YEARS AGO…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 8, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, November 8, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Lieut. Col. Myers, Deputy Quarter-Master General, was stationed in charge of Fort Erie, and succeeded in completely silencing the fire of the enemy, drove a detachment from the encampment near the Black Rock, destroyed a barrack, in which was a considerable depot of ammunition. Its explosion must have killed many. The Caledonia, lately captured by the enemy, was destroyed at her moorings. Lieut. Col. Myers speaks highly of the discipline of the…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 15, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, November 15, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Obituary – Died at Schlosser, in this state, on October 29th, Mr. Vine Griffin, late of this village, aged 21 years. Mr. Griffin belonged to the detachment of militia which was called into the service of the United States from this county. Impelled by devotion to his country, he voluntarily bid adieu to his friends and home, and dedicated himself to her service. His manly and social virtues, conciliated the friendship and…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 22, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, November 22, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Ambrose L. Jordan and Samuel Birdsall, have formed a connection in the practice of law: Their office is one door south of Phinney’s Bookstore, in the village of Cooperstown, where commands relative to the profession will be executed with pleasure. Cooperstown, November 14, 1812. (Ed. Note: Ambrose L. Jordan was the father of Caroline Jordan, who, as a young girl, attended school in Cooperstown. Jordan left the village in 1819…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 29, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, November 29, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Beware of Counterfeits – There are in circulation, imitations of some of the twenty dollar notes of the Bank of North America, dated the 21st of February, 1812, issued payable to D. Etwein, or bearer. The citizens are cautioned not to receive such notes, without a careful examination. The editors of papers will render a service to the community by republishing this caution. November 28, 1812 175 YEARS AGO Ed. Note: John…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 6, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, December 6, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Excerpts from an address to soldiers by Brigadier Alexander Smyth, Commanding at Buffalo: “The time is at hand when you will cross the stream of the Niagara, to conquer Canada, and to secure the peace of the American frontier. You will enter a country that is to be one of the United States. You will arrive among a people who are to become your fellow citizens. It is not against them that…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 13, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, December 13, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Indians – The Ontario Messenger states, on the authority of E. Granger, Esq., Indian Agent, that neither our government nor any officer connected with it, has ever authorized the employment of Indians in the present war. The instructions from the War Department to Judge Granger are explicit. With a view to keep them from going over to the enemy, the agents were authorized as a last resource to embody as few of…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 20, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, December 20, 2012 175 YEARS AGO It is estimated that the population of the United States consume annually 18,000,000 barrels of flour, the product of 8,000,000 acres of wheat land, the average production being estimated at 25 bushels per acre. This gives 200,000,000 bushels of wheat as the aggregate production of the country the present year, which at five bushels to the barrel, makes a total of 40,000,000 barrels of flour – 22,000,000 more than the annual consumption…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 27, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, December 27, 2012 200 YEARS AGO The state of our national treasury is much more flourishing, than under the pressure and burthens of the war, we had any reason to expect. Revenue of ten millions was actually received into it during the year which ended on the 30th of September, in addition to about six millions of the loan authorized last session. It appears that the whole of the loan has now been subscribed in despite of the…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 3, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, January 3, 2013 175 YEARS AGO Young ladies are now-a-days taught a multiplicity of arts and accomplishments, and nothing which can add to the graces of mind and manner, seems to be omitted or forgotten. Only one requisite is wanted to complete the system. It is that these intelligent and accomplished young ladies should be sedulously instructed in the art of applying their knowledge and exhibiting their graces advantageously. Not that they may procure a good establishment, which…