
AllOTSEGO - Page 1832

BOUND VOLUMES, March 21, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, March 21, 2013 200 YEARS AGO A Fair Set-Off – Poor unadvised Pace has paced into a newspaper of this village, and says, with his usual thoughtlessness that I have eloped from his bed and board; he might have had a board, but never had a bed of his own. I have bedded and boarded him fifteen years, in the same place which I now occupy and elsewhere – I regret saying that, I am wearied with it;…

BOUND VOLUMES, March 28, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, March 28, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Improved Scalping Knives – A person not long since, who was permitted to proceed to Montreal on domestic business, and back to the United States, reports that he passed through one of the Indian encampments and that he saw their scalping knives, the handles of which were richly studded with Mother of Pearl, & silver mounted. They were lately imported from England and no doubt exhibited at the Tower as an improvement…

BOUND VOLUMES, April 4, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, April 4, 2013 200 YEARS AGO The lyrics to a song sung by American sailors titled “Constitution Lane” – “Yankee sailors have a knack, Haul away! Yeo ho boys! Of pulling down a British Jack, ‘Gainst any odds, you know, boys. Come three to one, right sure am I, If we can’t beat them, still we’ll try, To make Columbia’s colors fly, Haul away! Yeo ho, boys! Yankee sailors, when at sea, Haul away! Yeo ho, boys! Pipe…

BOUND VOLUMES, April 11, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, April 11, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Another gratification – His Britannic majesty’s brig Emu, of 12 guns, a prize to the privateer Holkar of New York, arrived on Sunday last at Providence, and saluted the town. She is an uncommonly strong and well found vessel, burthened upward of 200 tons; was fitted with a new patent defence surmounting her bulwarks, composed of spring bayonets, and had a great quantity of ammunition and provisions for Botany Bay, whither she…

BOUND VOLUMES, April 18, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, April 18, 2013 200 YEARS AGO A deposed witness testifies to the aftermath of the battle of Riviere aux Raisins as follows: “I certify, that the bodies of the Americans, killed at the battle of Riviere aux Raisins, of the 22nd January last, and the day after remain unburied, and that I have seen hogs and dogs eating them. The hogs appear to be rendered mad by so profuse a diet of Christian flesh. I saw the houses…

BOUND VOLUMES, April 25, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, April 25, 2013 200 YEARS AGO The lyrics to a song sung by American sailors titled “Constitution Lane” – “Yankee sailors have a knack, Haul away! Yeo ho boys! Of pulling down a British Jack, ‘Gainst any odds, you know, boys. Come three to one, right sure am I, If we can’t beat them, still we’ll try, To make Columbia’s colors fly, Haul away! Yeo ho, boys! Yankee sailors, when at sea, Haul away! Yeo ho, boys! Pipe…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 2, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, May 2, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Several very large bets have been made in this city (Albany), on the result of the ensuing election – The following was offered and taken up on Tuesday last – 1,000 dollars was given to receive one dollar for each vote over 4,000, which Gen. Van Rensselaer should obtain more than Gov. Tompkins, for the office of Governor of this state. (Ed. Note: The wager came to nothing as Daniel D. Tompkins…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 9, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, May 9, 2013 175 YEARS AGO The Cherry Valley Gazette announces that the Central Bank at Cherry Valley resumed the payment of specie upon all its liabilities on the day previous. (Ed. Note: The banking crisis of 1837-1838 resulted from the issuing of private currency, or specie, by banking interests that had insufficient resources to redeem the notes) The Banks of New England, that intend ever to resume, will soon follow the excellent example of the New York…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 16, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, May 16, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Havre de Grace – This morning, a little after the break of day, a British armed force, under cover of armed vessels which anchored in front of this town in eleven large barges, landed below a small breast work which had been roughly thrown up, and in which were one nine and two four pounders, manned by 50 militia. The vessels in front of the town threw 8 Congreve rockets, one of…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 23, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, May 23, 2013 200 YEARS AGO The King of Bavaria, with the intention of meeting the extraordinary exigencies of the state without increasing the amount of debt, and without obstructing the payments of the different services, which are made with the greatest regularity, has ordered that the voluntary loan which had been opened through the medium of a lottery, should be converted into a forced loan; in consequence of which all the inhabitants of the kingdom who possess…