
AllOTSEGO - Page 1833

BOUND VOLUMES, May 30, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, May 30, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Among the ten provisions of a village ordinance adopted on May 21, 1813 is the following: Be it ordained by the Trustees of the Village of Cooperstown, that one-fifth part of the street on each side thereof be appropriated for sidewalks, and that no person shall lay or deposit, or leave any wood, timber, wagon, cart, sleigh, wheel-barrow, or other obstruction whatever, in or upon the said sidewalks, under the penalty of…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 6, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, June 6, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Among the ten provisions of a village ordinance adopted on May 21, 1813 is the following: And be it further ordained, that the owner of every dwelling, house, office, shop or store, shall provide on or before the first day of October next, (under the penalty of one dollar for neglect or refusal so to do,) one leather fire bucket, for every two fire places in each and every dwelling house, office,…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 13, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, June 13, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Books for Sale by H. & E. Phinney at their Book & Stationery Store, Cooperstown – “Halyburton’s Enquiry into the Principles of Modern Deists,” “Shakespeare’s Works – 8 Volumes,” “Winter in London – A Novel, 2 Volumes,” “Blair’s Lectures,” “Life of Rev. Cornelius Winter,” “Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, 5 Volumes,” “Camilla, A Novel,” “Buchan’s Domestic Medicine,” “Christ’s Second Appearing,” “Smith’s Essays on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 20, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, June 20, 2013 200 YEARS AGO (Ed. Note: General Zebulon M. Pike, a hero of the War of 1812, was killed at Sacketts Harbor on March 27, 1813 when a British powder magazine exploded, propelling a large stone into his back. Pike’s Peak in Colorado is named in his honor.) It may not be amiss, perhaps, to notice a humble mark of respect offered by the Managers of the Baltimore Theatre, a few evenings ago to the memory…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 27, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, June 27, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Indian Cruelty – A gentleman at Cleveland, writes under date of the 19th, inst. that the savages had made a descent on a small settlement call Cold Creek, about 50 miles from that place, near Lake Erie, and took 13 prisoners, 3 women, 9 children and one man; and that they killed and scalped one woman and three children in a most barbarous manner. They were pursued but not overtaken. Fourth of…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 4, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, July 4, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement: Vaccine Matter – The subscriber having been appointed by the President of the United States, Agent for Vaccination gives notice that genuine vaccine matter will be furnished to any physician or other citizen of the United States, who may apply to him for it. The application must be made by post and the requisite fee (five dollars) on the current bank paper of any of the middle states forwarded with it.…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 11, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, July 11, 2013 175 YEARS AGO In the wake of several steam boat tragedies and injuries or death occasioned by other means involving steam-driven machines, the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to prepare and hand a report to Congress on the first day of the next Session, containing all the information that can be obtained as to the use of steam engines in the United States, and the accidents and loss of life or property which has…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 18, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, July 18, 2013 200 YEARS AGO British Monsters – Excerpt of a letter from Captain Cooper to Charles K. Mallory, Esq. Lieut. Gov. of Virginia – “I was in Hampton with my troop; that place having been evacuated in the morning by the British. My blood ran cold at what I saw and heard. The few distressed inhabitants running up in every direction to congratulate us; tears were shedding in every corner – the infamous scoundrels, monsters, destroyed…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 25, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, July 25, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Letter from Com. Lewis to the Secretary of the Navy – Off Sandy Hook, July 6: “Sir, I have the pleasure to inform you of the capture of the British sloop tender Eagle which for some time had been employed by Com. Beresford for the purpose of burning the coasters, &c. Her force was two officers and 11 men, with a 32 brass howitzer. This service was performed in a most gallant…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 1, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, August 1, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Dancing School postponed. Mr. Shepherd respectfully informs the inhabitants of this place that a number having declined subscribing to his school, alleging as a reason that it was too early in the season, has therefore postponed opening his school to the first of September next, and as that will be the most pleasant season in the year for a Dancing School, he flatters himself he shall meet with liberal encouragement. Cooperstown, July…