
AllOTSEGO - Page 1839

Neighbors: Ban Buses, Trucks In ‘Village Core’

Neighbors: Ban Buses, Trucks In ‘Village Core’ By JIM KEVLIN What began as a petition drive to divert tour buses from River and Lake streets has grown into an effort to ban not only heavy buses but heavy trucks from the “village core.” The scope widened over the course of collecting 57 signatures, Chip Northrup, River Street, told the Village Board at its July meeting on Monday the 28th. “The village has the opportunity, for the first time, to address…

Baseball’s Heroes Fly Into Oneonta Airport

Baseball’s Heroes Fly Into Oneonta Airport By LIBBY CUDMORE If you saw Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan or contender Don Mattingly at the 75th Induction Weekend in Cooperstown, you can thank Dennis Finn and the Oneonta Municipal Airport. Over the weekend, 28 corporate jets, plus two private planes, landed and took off, said Finn, city Airport Commission chairman. “This is our busiest time of the year,” he said, and this Induction Weekend was the second busiest, after the Ripken/Gwynn event…

Too Tiny To Live, But Not Forgotten

Too Tiny To Live, But Not Forgotten By LIBBY CUDMORE Reflecting on the work she does for the Holy Sews ministry, Helen Reilly tears up. “When I think about how what I’m making is the only outfit this little baby will ever wear, I still cry,” said Helen. “You have to not think about it,” said Madeline Bagnardi, another parishioner at St. Mary’s Catholic Church who participates in the effort with Reilly. Oneonta’s Holy Sews provides hospitals and funeral homes…

Best Pancakes Wind Down Otsego Fair

AllOTSEGO EXCLUSIVE • THE FAIR FOODIE Best Pancakes Wind Down Otsego Fair By LIBBY CUDMORE • The best pancakes in Otesgo County can only be found during the best six days of summer.  The Otsego County Maple Producers set up their all-day, all-you-can-eat pancake and French toast stand in the barn at the front of the midway.  After all, breakfast – even if you eat it for dinner, like I did– is the most important meal of the day. For $7,…

Expert On Last Woman Hanged Speaks In Richfield Springs At 7

Expert On Last Woman Hanged Speaks In Richfield Springs At 7 RICHFIELD SPRINGS – The Richfield Springs Historic Association will present a program on the The Druse Murder by Howard Greiner, author of “The Last Woman Hanged,” at 7 p.m. this evening at the museum on West Main Street.  All are welcome. Greiner will recount the murder of William Druse of the Town of Warren by his wife Roxalana in a most unusual manner. Three years later she was the last…

Schenevus School Surpluses Too High

Schenevus School Surpluses Too High, Taxpayers Kept In Dark, Auditors Find SCHENEVUS – The Schenevus Central school board hasn’t been straightforward with the taxpayers about district finances, according to an audit released in recent days by state Auditor Thomas DiNapoli’s office. “District officials have accumulated excessive fund balances and not adequately reported the District’s financial condition to the taxpayers,” the auditors found. Among other findings, the audit found unexpended surplus exceeded the 4 percent “allowable limit,” and that information provided…

110 Hop-Growing Aficionados Tour Sites Of County Revival

110 Hop-Growing Aficionados Tour Sites Of County Revival   ONEONTA – Otsego County’s reputation as a hops-growing hub was further fertilized today at 110 hops growers, prospective hops growers and people interested in the revival of the historic local crop toured sites from Oneonta to Pierstown. Another 30 people tried to register for the Northeast Hops Alliance’s annual Field Day, but couldn’t be accommodated, said Alycia Schick, a staffer with the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service.  A smaller tour is…

Scriven Foundation $5,000 Matching Grant Offered For Coop Food Pantry Renovations

Scriven Foundation $5,000 Matching Grant Offered For Coop Food Pantry Renovations COOPERSTOWN – Renovations are underway that will move the Cooperstown Food Pantry from the baseball of the Presbyterian Church basement to the first floor, director Audrey Murray reports. Cooperstown Food Pantry provides emergency food assistance to an average of 175 northern Otsego County families every month, 600 – 700 people, and the move will provide easier access for those clients, “many of whom are elderly or disabled,” Murray said.…