
AllOTSEGO - Page 1841

Gibson’s Anti-Lyme Disease Bill Over Hurdle In House Committee

Gibson’s Anti-Lyme Disease Bill Over Hurdle In House Committee U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson’s anti-Lyme Disease legislation – the Tick-borne Disease Research Transparency & Accountability Act of 2014 – has been voted out of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, his office announced today. H.R. 4701, introduced by the 19th District Republican in May, seeks to prioritize federal research on Lyme and related diseases and give patients a seat at the table.…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 10, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, July 10, 2014   200 YEARS AGO A new invented Torpedo Boat, resembling a Turtle floating just above the surface of the water, and sufficiently roomy to carry nine persons within, having on her back a coat of mail, consisting of three large bombs, which could be discharged by machinery, so as to bid defiance to any attack by barges, left this city (New London, Connecticut) one day last week to blow up some of the enemy’s ships.…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 17, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, July 17, 2014   200 YEARS AGO William Cheney informs his friends and the public in general, that he will communicate to any person, the art of breaking horses or cattle, so that they may be made docile and gentle, or will break them himself for a reasonable compensation. He can inform any person, so that they will be enabled to break a Horse, that can be rode, in the space of one hour – even the wildest…

Moonalice Band, Plus ‘Field Of Dreams’ Featured Saturday In Lakefront Park

Moonalice Band, Plus ‘Field Of Dreams’ Featured Saturday In Lakefront Park COOPERSTOWN – It’s no Boston Pops, Otsego 2000 Executive Director Ellen Pope acknowledged to the Village Board last evening, but her organization is partnering with Glimmerglass Film Days, Brewery Ommegang and the Cooperstown Chamber to try to capture a little bit of that sizzle. This coming Saturday, the four organizations — with the trustees’ approval — are planning a free evening of movie and music in Lakefront Park. 7-9 p.m.,…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 24, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, July 24, 2014 175 YEARS AGO There is an admirable partition of qualities between the sexes, which the author of our being has distributed to each, with a wisdom that challenges our unbounded admiration. Man is strong – Woman is beautiful; Man is daring and confident – Woman is diffident and unassuming; Man is great in action –Woman in suffering; Man shines abroad – Woman at home; Man talks to convince – Woman to persuade and please; Man has a…

Ban Tour Buses, ‘Heavy Vehicles’ From Village, Village Board Asked

Ban Tour Buses, ‘Heavy Vehicles’ From Village, Village Board Asked COOPERSTOWN – Neighbors on River and Lake streets plan to present a 57-signature petition to the Village Board, which meets at 6:30 p.m. today, urging trustees to ban tour buses – and heavy vehicle in general – from “the village core.”…