
Breaking News - Page 1303


Jake Muehl, 91; Farmer With Array Of Interests

IN MEMORIAM: Jake Muehl, 91; Farmer With Array Of Interests WORCESTER – While Jakob (Jake) G. Muehl, 91, who passed away Nov. 4, 2015, of congestive heart failure, spent his career as a farmer, he pursued a wide array of interests. He carried his a noteworthy sense of humor into music, chess and teaching. He learned to fly small planes, drove school bus, substitute taught and had a chess club at Worcester Central School. He attended SUNY Oneonta, and taught…



DETAILS EXPECTED ON NEW SKI RESORT Upscale, $28 million, Four-Season Destination 37 Miles From Oneonta HIGHMOUNT – Jim Seward, R-Milford, one of the ranking members of the state Senate, will be joined at 11 a.m. Monday, by state Olympic Regional Development Authority President/CEO Ted Blazer, to announce details of The Belleayre Resort at Catskill Park. Environmental clearances were announced in September on a $28 million project that, when complete, is envisioned as “the only upscale, four-season resort directly serving the New York metropolitan…


26 Jobs, Services On County Chopping Block

26 Jobs, Services On County Chopping Block By DON MATHISEN • for COOPERSTOWN – The county Board of Representatives is on track to cut 19 full-time and 7 part-time employees, slash some services and raise property taxes by about $100,000. That’s according to county Treasurer Dan Crowell and county Rep. Don Lindberg, R-Worcester, who chairs the Budget Review Committee. “The committee has identified departments, dollar amounts and in some cases the number of positions to be cut,” said Crowell. “The…


Strategic Planning Top Priorities: Housing, Broadband and Developing Agricultural Land

Strategic Planning Top Priorities: Housing, Broadband, Agriculture By DON MATHISEN • for ONEONTA – Expanding and upgrading broadband, cultivating vacant agricultural land and building affordable housing topped the list of economic development projects proposed during a workshop Thursday night. About a dozen Otsego County residents and elected officials gathered for two hours of brainstorming at SUNY Oneonta directed by Planning Services Manager Nicole Allen of the Laberge Group, the Albany engineering firm contracted by county government to put assemble a…


Appeals Court Overturns Verdict In Otsego Chamber Insurance Case

Appeals Court Overturns Verdict In Otsego Chamber Insurance Case ALBANY – A state appellate court has overturned the conviction of insurance agent Norman Michaels in a case involving coverage provided through the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce. The decision, dated Oct. 22, only concerns Michaels, and it is unclear what impact it may have on the case of former chamber executive director Rob Robinson, or if it would open the door for him to appeal as well. DECISION OF NY…