
Breaking News - Page 66


DEWEY: Stefanik Does Not Put Upstate First

Letter from Jeanne Dewey Stefanik Does Not Put Upstate First I’m glad you’re highlighting political candidates and their positions on important issues. Having real information to base one’s vote on is key to making an informed decision at the ballot box. The problem is, candidates can say anything they want, whether it is true or false. I was interested to read Elise Stefanik’s description of her accomplishments, and was surprised at her statement that she “delivered over $500 million in…


POPE: Vote ‘Yes’ for Proposition 1

Letter from Ellen Pope Vote ‘Yes’ for Proposition 1 This Election Day, Otsego County voters have the chance to vote for a cleaner environmental future for our children and grandchildren. Proposition 1, the NYS Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, is on the ballot again for the first time since 1996, and the stakes could not be clearer for the health of Otsego County residents, farmlands, open space, and waterways.…


GARDNER: Vote Josh Riley for Congress

Letter from JoAnn Gardner Vote Josh Riley for Congress The 2022 midterm elections are upon us and once again we need to sift through the news and all of the flyers we receive in the mail to figure out who to vote for. In the 19th Congressional District, I have learned that Josh Riley supports the CHIPS and Science Act that was responsible for bringing the multi-billion dollar chip plant to the Syracuse area. This is a game changer for…


HAMILL: Unity, Not Party, More Important

Letter from Andrew Hamill Unity, Not Party, More Important Last month, I put statements in All Otsego for our country to heed the call of unity as well as speaking to you all about it. I firmly stand by my statements. I speak on the week before Election Day by saying that regardless of who wins and who loses in this election and other elections, we need unity. If we are to have unity, we need to put our political…


WILCOX: Another Call for Voters

Letter from Keith Willcox Another Call for Voters In his letter of October 13th, Bruce Beckert gives a concise image of the current Republican Party. His sources of honest information might’ve included Fox News and Infowars, but those in the know are already familiar with them. He did sign his name, which puts him ahead of the “Sound-Offers” in that other paper. Most importantly, he urges us all to vote. Not to worry, Mr. Beckert. Keith WillcoxRoseboom…


MARCI: Zeldin Coalition Will Save NY

Letter from James Marci Zeldin Coalition Will Save NY I love New York. It’s the tourism slogan here in the Empire State, but I do truly have a love for this place. New York is my home, it’s where I’ve been brought up, and I feel as though I have a loyalty to protect it. New York is my home and fellow New Yorkers are my family. It’s because I have this strong connection to our state that I feel…


LANSING: Voters Urged to Think First

Letter from Douglas B. Lansing Voters Urged to Think First Some shared thoughts as you head to the polls: Each candidate for each election should be evaluated based on their own merit. In my opinion, voting only “for my team” or “against your team” is lazy American citizenship. Down-ballot voting is dangerous for all of us. American democracy has veered from our Founding Fathers’ intended destination. We, the citizens of America, have to bring the American Republic back on course.…


WHELAN: ‘I Want My Republican Party Back’

Letter from Mary Anne Whelan ‘I Want My Republican Party Back’ To the Editor: I am writing as a Registered Republican and in protest of Stefanik’s representation of our party.  She is a person who consistently misrepresents herself, just as she does the results of the past Presidential election. This is a person who said that Pence, the honorable Vice-president during the Trump administration, did the wrong thing by certifying the clear results of the Electoral College and the popular…

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