
Breaking News - Page 69


WWII Greek Resistance Celebrated Shipboard with Oxi Day Program

WWII Greek Resistance Celebrated Shipboard with Oxi Day Program On Friday, October 28, millions around the world will commemorate Oxi (pronounced ō-hē) Day, honoring Greece’s courageous resistance during World War II. The day will be remembered by USS Slater and the Capital Region’s Hellenic Community with a brief program beginning at 10 a.m. aboard the ship, which is located in Downtown Albany at the intersection of Broadway and Quay streets. In 1940, Mussolini delivered an ultimatum to Greece’s prime minister…



Up On Hawthorne Hill by Richard DeRosa On Cutting Back This is the time of year when several things cross my mind. I think of those lines in Frost’s wonderful poem, “After-Apple Picking,” where he admits to being “… overtired /Of the great harvest I myself desired.” Not that we are burdened with a “great harvest” up here on the hill, but we do maintain a hefty assortment of gardens, among them two sizable vegetable gardens that meet most of…


Oneonta Boys and Girls Club Marks New Chapter, New Leadership

Oneonta Boys and Girls Club Marks New Chapter, New Leadership By Ian Kenyon In November 1970, an 8-year-old Robert Escher dropped by the Oneonta Boys Club and became a member. Fifty-two years later he has stepped back through the door of the now Oneonta Boys and Girls Club—as the new Executive Director. Earlier this month, the Oneonta Boys and Girls Club announced Escher would lead the organization, now in its 75th year of operation. Growing up in Oneonta, the club…


Local Travelers Heed Call of Scotland’s Landscapes, History

Local Travelers Heed Call of Scotland’s Landscapes, History By Trista Haggerty Scotland had been calling to me for several years. Its moody skies and mist-shrouded lochs, meandering stone walls and wandering sheep all stirred a sense of returning home. As a tour guide to ancient sites, it’s the perfect place to bring a group because there is so much to discover—ancient ruins that predate Christianity by a few thousand years. And a landscape that invites you to explore its mysteries…


STERNBERG: Diligence Called for, Now More Than Ever

Column by Richard Sternberg, M. D. Diligence Called for, Now More Than Ever Again, just when it seemed we reached the point where we can go out with people and decrease our use of masks, COVID strikes back and possibly with more virulence than previous strains. The number of new strains to consider is large. New strains include BA.5.2.6, BA.4.1.9, BE.1.2, BA.4.7, BF.13 and XBB, among others. Already BA.5 and BA.4 strains have high penetrance in the U.S. The new…


BECKERT: Vote! Please Help Save Our Country

Letter from Bruce Beckert Vote! Please Help Save Our Country This election is like none other in our time. It will either cement the global elite’s plan for our country or start us back on a path that will ultimately save this country so our grandchildren can have a lifestyle of freedom and opportunity that we have been so blessed with. The Democrats have gotten used to swaying liberal Republicans, buying key elections with global elites’ dollars or just stealing…


MAHER: Miller Will Be Fierce Advocate for 121st

Letter from Brian Maher Miller Will Be Fierce Advocate for 121st As Supervisor of the Town of Montgomery I can say firsthand that I have been proud to call Brian Miller my New York State Assembly representative. While I know many of the folks reading this letter may be voting for Brian Miller for the first time, rest assured he will represent you well. He works hard, he listens and he has been a fierce advocate for issues that have…


RENCKENS: Is ‘Perfect Village’ Pricing Out Seniors?

Letter from Jim & Polly Renckens Is ‘Perfect Village’ Pricing Out Seniors? Now getting into our ninth decade of life, we find there are concerns that weren’t there in our eighth decade. The latest concern is downsizing. Even though we older folks want to stay in our present home forever, the reality is that the constant upkeep, inside and out, becomes very difficult. So now is the time, and many others feel this way too, to move forward to the…


WILLCOX: Another Call for Voters This Election

Letter from Keith Willcox Another Call for Voters This Election In his letter of October 13th, Bruce Beckert gives a concise image of the current Republican Party. His sources of honest information might’ve included Fox News and Infowars, but those in the know are already familiar with them. He did sign his name, which puts him ahead of the “Sound-Offers” in that other paper. Most importantly, he urges us all to vote. Not to worry, Mr. Beckert. Keith WillcoxRoseboom Read…

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