
Breaking News - Page 96



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, AUGUST 22 Music Festival Presents Virtuosic Duo MUSIC FEST – 7 – 9 p.m. Join the Cooperstown Summer Music Festival for performance by virtuosic duo Danbi Um and JIJI and a genre-spanning performance featuring everything works by Corelli, Paganini, Piazzolla and Ella Fitzgerald. General admission, $30. The Otesaga, Cooperstown.…


Reading, Playwright Talkback

Reading, Playwright Talkback Offered on Consecutive Nights Fenimore Art Museum will host a reading of The Venetians followed by a talkback with playwright Matt Barbot on Wednesday, August 24 and Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater. Admission is free with a suggested donation. A crossover between Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and The Tragedy of Othello, Barbot’s play uses two classical outsiders — the Moorish general Othello and Jewish moneylender Shylock — to ask…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 Picnic With Local NAACP COMMUNITY PICNIC – Noon – 3 p.m. The NAACP presents picnic featuring free food, live music, more. Will include a chance to register to vote and information about how the NAACP has campaigned for civil rights and continues to work to protect those rights today. At the Large Pavilion, Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit…


Hawthorne Hill: Of Garlic, Onions, and Majority Rule

Up On Hawthorne Hill by Richard DeRosa Of garlic, onions and majority rule Took down the garlic the other day, trimmed it, and shifted it to trays for winter storage. On the same day tied up the red and yellow onions, and hung them along the barn rafters to cure for a few weeks. These are two of my favorite pastimes up here on the hill. One would assume that such tasks are rather mindless. Not so, at least for…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 Native American Dances at Fenimore Art Museum DANCE PERFORMANCE – 3 – 5 p.m. Visit the museum for a vibrant afternoon featuring 2 dance performances from singer/songwriter Bear Fox at 3 and then the acclaimed Allegany River Dancers at 4. Cost, $15/adult. Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater, The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1400 or visit…


Sternberg: New COVID Recommendations from CDC

Column by Dr. Richard Sternberg New COVID Recommendations from CDC Vaccines and infection induced immunity and the availability of effective treatment and prevention methods have decreased the risk of symptomatic COVID infection, hospitalizations, and deaths. Therefore, On August 11 the Center for Disease Control issued a new set of guidelines for minimizing the impact of COVID on people, communities, and health care providers. This takes into account the psychological and economic effects of the various actions. It allows considerably more…


Butterman: Too Much Gun Violence

Letter from Dan Butterman Too Much Gun Violence Gun violence takes the lives of too many New Yorkers, and it is taking more and more each year. When elected to the Assembly I will work to make our gun laws fairer and more effective. I will not take weapons away from law-abiding citizens, but will work to take them away from criminals. And I will do this with input from gun violence experts – law enforcement professionals. In 2014, gun-related…


Fenimore Chamber Orchestra Starting Strong

Fenimore Chamber Orchestra Starting Strong Rosemary Summers brings a lot of experience to the new Fenimore Chamber Orchestra. “I actually got my start in the music business with the Catskill Symphony Orchestra and the Catskill Conservatory back in the 70s,” Ms. Summers, Chief Operations Officer of the new orchestra said. “Everything that is involved in the physical production of a concert is what I am in charge of. Hiring theappropriate musicians, securing the venue, providing the sheet music for everyone…chairs,…


News from the Noteworthy: Changing the World

News from the Noteworthy Changing the World Some people talk about wanting to change the world. Others get up at 4 a.m., put on coveralls and muck boots and go do it: Meet Tianna Kennedy, Walter Riesen, and Amanda Wong, owners of Star Route Farm in Charlottesville, northern Delaware County. Their purpose is not just to nourish themselves and others, but to serve as instruments for justice, seeking answers to these questions: ”Why should the healthiest food go to the…



THINK BEFORE YOU SWIM IN OTSEGO LAKE According to Holly Waterfield, CLM SUNY Oneonta Cooperstown Campus Biological Field Station Main Laboratory the Biological Field Station (BFS) collected samples for toxin analysis around Otsego Lake in the last few days. All sites had detectable levels of the toxin microcystin; some much higher than Monday. Results for each location are below. We provide these results for informational purposes and to aid in decision-making; these results represent a snapshot in time. Bloom conditions…

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