
Happenin' Otsego - Page 5

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-12-24

FESTIVAL—9 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Renaissance Fair.” Vendors, food, readings, more. Costumes encouraged. Presented by Bewitch Me Joyful LLC at 1398 East Side Road, Morris. (607) 267-0617 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-11-24

SENIOR COFFEE HOUR—10 a.m. “Chilling Chatting & Coffee.”Coffee, tea, pastries, games, puzzles, special events and good conversation. Held each Friday. Kinney Memorial Library, 3140 County Highway 11 Hartwick. (607) 293-6600 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-10-24

PUBLIC SPEAKING—6 p.m. Oneonta Toastmasters hold their public meeting each 2nd and 4th Thursday. Online meeting available via Zoom. Online attendees are asked to sign in at 5:50 p.m. In-person meetings held at Green Earth Health Market, 4 Market Street, Oneonta. Visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-09-24

STORYTIME—10 a.m. Library staff read storybooks to children aged 3-5. Held each Wednesday. Springfield Library, 129 County Road 29A, Springfield Center, (315) 858-5802 or visit …

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-08-24

SENIOR MEALS—11:30 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a delicious meal each Tuesday and Thursday. Suggested donation is $4 for seniors, $10.60 for guests accompanying a senior. Today’s lunch is hamburger cabbage casserole, beets, corn and mandarin oranges. Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. (607) 547-6454 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-07-24

SERVICES—10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Q&A with the Otsego County Office for the Aging on programs, services, Medicare and Medicaid insurance, and more. Held 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Bassett Fieldstone Lobby, 1 Atwell Road, Cooperstown. (607) 547-4255 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-06-24

QUILT SHOW—11 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Quilted Legacies.” Traditional and contemporary pieces by local quilters. Benefit for restoration and maintenance of historic inn. Admission fee; lunch available for purchase. The Major’s Inn, 104 Marion Avenue, Gilbertsville. (607) 783-2967 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-05-24

MUSEUM—10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Exploration Day: Woodsmen’s Festival.” Demonstrations, food, live music, family-friendly games and learning activities, and more. Admission by donation. Hanford Mills Museum, 51 County Highway 12, East Meredith. (607) 278-5744 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-04-24

OPENING RECEPTION—5-7 p.m. “Within a Mile: Contemporary Art in Historic South Worcester” and “Otsego and Beyond: Photographs by Mark Zeek.” On view through November 1. Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main Street, Cooperstown. (607) 547-9777 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego: 10-03-24

COMMITTEE—4-8 p.m. Public Workshop on NY Forward Strategic Investment Plan. Public is invited to attend and make public comment at the end of the meeting. Richfield Springs Central School, 93 West Main Street, Richfield Springs. Visit…

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