
Hometown Oneonta - Page 24


Letter: The Common Sense Party – Dan Butterman

Letter from Dan Buttermann The Common Sense Party Voter registrations are changing quickly. Just five years ago, the Republican party registration outnumbered the no-party registration by 250,000. But in five short years, the no-party registrations have gone way up, and now outnumber the Republicans. The Democratic registration lost ground too. This is a significant change. What has not changed is the requirements for a no-party candidate to be on the ballot — a candidate must secure three times more petition…


Letter: A community thank you – Ln Alessi

Letter from Ln Alessi A community thank you I am so overwhelmed by all the support, love and kindness which has been extended to my son and me since my daughter Vincenza’s passing. Words seem grossly inadequate as I reflect on all the wonderful things people have done for us. Living in a community where people genuinely care about each other and express that care through their actions is the greatest gift. I know how challenging life can get for…


Bound Volumes: 04-28-22

Bound Volumes April 28, 2022 162 YEARS AGO Fine Horses – There are more fine horses, especially matched teams, now in Cooperstown than we ever saw here at any one time before. The farmers of Otsego are turning their attention more to the raising of fine horses than formerly. It is a business that pays better than the growing of hops – at present rates! The weather – Snow squalls and cold weather ‘about these days.’ Where is the man…


YMCA’s summer programming on track, but ‘different’ this year

YMCA’s summer programming on track, but ‘different’ this year Staffing challenges notwithstanding, Oneonta’s YMCA and the City of Oneonta will partner again this year to provide summer programming and services for area youth eager for activity. “The Y’s core mission is to find solutions to community problems,” said YMCA Executive Director Frank Russo. “This summer, like every summer before it, we will work to the best of our capabilities to provide whatever services we can.” “We will offer our summer…


Roots of suffrage topic of talk

Roots of suffrage topic of talk Take a fascinating trip to the roots of America’s democracy and Women’s Suffrage on Friday, April 29, with “Haudenosaunee Culture, History and Influences in Upstate New York” at The Lake House in Richfield Springs. The hour-long discussion features Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner, an expert on the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and its centuries-long influence on the United States, as well as Oneida Faithkeeper Diane Shenandoah and her son, musician Adah Shenandoah. Open to the public, the…


Column by Ted Potrikus Mayhem!

Column by Ted Potrikus Mayhem! Poor Kathy Hochul must feel like she’s smack-dab in the middle of the television commercial with that guy Mayhem; there she is, crawling from the wreckage amid a heap of smoldering cars and destroyed streetscape. Walking through the disaster, a little bruised, scarred, bandaged, and battered himself, is a guy in a suit, smirking and warning that maybe she should have thought twice before taking that deal that seemed too good to pass up. Portraying…


Editorial: ‘The Big Need’

Editorial ‘The Big Need’  April 21, 2022 What better time than the middle of National Volunteer Week (April 17 – 24) to take the time to salute every person who gives their time — truly our most precious commodity — to help others. The Freeman’s Journal/Hometown Oneonta receives a few dozen press releases each week from community groups of every stripe throughout Otsego County — organizations looking out for the environment, preserving open spaces, grooming hiking trails. Groups dedicated to…


Bound Volumes: April 21, 2022

Bound Volumes April 21, 2022 187 YEARS AGO A dreadful accident occurred at Amstadt, Austria — Linsky, the celebrated legerdemain performer, gave, in the presence of the family of Prince Schwartzburg Sonderhauser, a grand exhibition in which he distinguished himself by an extraordinary display of his art. Six soldiers from the garrison were induced to fire with ball cartridges at Madame Linsky, the young wife of the conjurer. They were, however, instructed, in biting the cartridge, to bite off the…


Dedication, invention, perseverance lead to a surprising, happy ending for the Fenimore Cooper murals

Dedication, invention, perseverance lead to a surprising, happy ending for the Fenimore Cooper murals [Editor’s note: We’ve been following the story of the James Fenimore Cooper murals in Mamaroneck doomed to a future hidden from view or lost forever to school reconstruction. There’s good news to report this week, and we asked Carol Bradshaw Akin, Board Member and former President of the Mamaroneck Historical Society, to give us a first-person, on-the-ground report. It’s a wonderful story with a happy ending…


Cooperstown salutes Stephen Sondheim with “Hawkeye Revue”

Cooperstown salutes Stephen Sondheim with “Hawkeye Revue” After the now-commonplace ‘two-year hiatus,’ Cooperstown Central School brings its popular “Hawkeye Revue” back to the Sterling Auditorium April 23 and 24 with “Thank You, Stephen” an all-Stephen Sondheim show that pulls pieces from every part of the late Broadway impresario’s storied career. “Sondheim is my hero,” said CCS Music Director Tim Iversen. His first exposure to the maestro came at a young age, watching a PBS broadcast of “Sunday in the Park…

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