On March 15, from 10:30 to 1 p.m., a steady stream of hopeful participants brought their lamps and small appliances for repair by Neal Newman of Middlefield, Joel Morain of Cherry Valley, and Patrick Sherry of Laurens.…
On March 15, from 10:30 to 1 p.m., a steady stream of hopeful participants brought their lamps and small appliances for repair by Neal Newman of Middlefield, Joel Morain of Cherry Valley, and Patrick Sherry of Laurens.…
A racoon in the Town of Laurens has tested positive for rabies, according to a report released on Friday, January 17 by the Otsego County Department of Health.…
Four county employees were recognized as outstanding employees. Frazier announced that all employees and department chairs are invited to nominate individuals every six months who exhibit a high degree of commitment to outstanding service, a high level of productivity, and demonstrate a high degree of initiative and effective relationships with others.…
The opening of Glimmerglass Medical and Wellness, Hanford Mills Museum's annual ice harvest, and SUNY Oneonta's Black History Month Distinguished Lecture are among the topics covered in this weeks briefs.…
A showing of the film "Black Barbie," the Master Gardener Volunteers' winter sowing workshop and a host of activities planned by the Otsego County Conservation Association are among the topics covered in this week's news briefs.…
“The Winter Octet Challenges are our most popular,” said Peg Odell, program and communications manager of Otsego 2000. “Some people love the snow and year-round recreation. And for others, when cabin fever hits, they are looking for something to do and get some exercise and fresh air. People tell us the Otsego Octet Challenges are a great motivator.”…
Rabies is a fatal viral infection that can be transmitted through the bite of an infected animal or contact with saliva to broken skin or mucus membranes. The public is cautioned to stay away from any stray or wild animals and instruct their children to do so as well.…
Items currently most needed are non-perishable food, cold-weather gear of all sizes and bleach/cleaning supplies. Other supplies that are needed include bottled water, wipes, baby formula, hand sanitizer, paper towels, toilet paper, batteries, flashlights, first aid supplies, feminine hygiene products, personal hygiene products and toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.), trash bags (contractor size preferred), tarps, blankets, towels, shovels, brooms, coolers, gloves, generators, propane, gas, cook stoves, candles, matches, lighters, charcoal and pet food (dried or canned).…
On Wednesday, September 4, during staff conference days at Laurens Central School, Laurens Together showed its appreciation for the services of the maintenance and custodial staff at LCS. This team of individuals maintains our school environment, keeping it clean, safe, and running smoothly for staff, students, and community members who use the facility.…
This week's news briefs include information about a new COVID vaccine, various workshops, an upcoming meeting of the Oneonta Democratic Club, the Grand and Glorious Fall Fair and more.…