
Otsego County


Richards Avenue: One Year After December 9 Gas Explosion

Between 15 and 25 people were displaced immediately after the explosion, according to Patricia Leonard, executive director of Family Services Association of Oneonta. Some took refuge at a motel for a few days; others were displaced longer, and some have still not returned to their homes. Insurance, contracting, and inspection issues have delayed repair and reconstruction for all impacted by the disaster.…


Shopping at the Last Minute? Check Out Cooperstown

Alessandra Paul, operations and marketing coordinator for the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce, listed some of the many retail businesses Cooperstown has to offer when it comes to shopping locally this holiday season, including J. Gorman Fine Jewelry, Mohican Flowers, and a variety of baseball, clothing, artisan, and gift shops.…


Oneonta Store Specializes in Vintage Clothing, Sustainability

One of The Underground Attic’s unique aspects is its commitment to sustainability. With fashion’s environmental impact in mind, The Underground Attic encourages customers to embrace secondhand shopping as an eco-friendly alternative. From 1960s brooches and bangles to dreamy maxi dresses from the ‘70s and beyond, each piece tells its story, waiting to be rediscovered.…


Town Board Meetings Plagued by Infighting, Lack of Decorum

Over the last two months, Town of Hartwick residents have witnessed the resignations of Town Supervisor Robert O’Brien and attorney William C. Green, a call for the resignations of two board members, a deputy supervisor who cannot serve in that capacity due to a paperwork technicality and, most recently, the resignation of bookkeeper Raymond Holohan.…


Editorial: Officials, Public Need a Refresher on Meeting Decorum

And with regard to members of the public attending these municipal meetings, the Association of Towns is very clear: “No member of the public shall engage in any demonstration, booing, hand clapping or otherwise disrupt the formality of a town board meeting,” and, “Any persons speaking to the Board with the consent of the Supervisor shall address their remarks to the Board, not to other members of the audience in the form of a debate.”…


Hawthorn Hill Journal: Mismanaging Human Integrity

As I sit here looking out my window every day, and after reading through what are considered credible news resources most mornings, one cannot help but be struck by the preponderance of incivility just about everywhere. Perhaps my thoughts at this moment are clouded by the dismal view from my study window.…

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