As a pioneering philosopher-mathematician in France, Émilie Du Châtelet argued, as Leibniz did, that a fundamental quantity of motion existed beyond the idea of momentum, which she called the force morte, “the dead force”...…
As a pioneering philosopher-mathematician in France, Émilie Du Châtelet argued, as Leibniz did, that a fundamental quantity of motion existed beyond the idea of momentum, which she called the force morte, “the dead force”...…
Today, I’ve launched, with the intention of benefiting both the public and your organization. One of its goals is to encourage your organization to prioritize transparency and openness in sharing information.…
The chamber event on Thursday, April 25 will kick off with cocktails and networking from 5:30-6:15 p.m., followed by a sit-down dinner beginning 6:30 p.m. and the awards ceremony. For more information, visit…
...the part of a dog's brain that discerns what the smells are is about 40 times larger than a human's, relatively speaking. It was Mark Twain who said, "If dogs could talk, no one would own them." So when you come home and your dog smells your pants, he knows where you were, who you touched and what you ate.…
“We’re delighted at the range and excellence of the work,” noted Sydney Waller, gallery curator and director, in a press release announcing the opening.…
“Having watched the spirit of our community fracture during these past two months, and holding, as I do, the ideal of collaboration and respect for one another, I was forced to a difficult decision,” Mayor Drnek said in an e-mail on Wednesday, March 27.…
Public service is not new to Lettis. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer prior to law school, worked in legal clinics through law school, served on the Redistricting Commission in Oneonta and now volunteers as a member of the Planning Commission in the City of Oneonta.…
The goal of the trail is to encourage more local residents to explore the river while also attracting visitors, including “444s,” a group of experienced paddlers who travel the entire length of the Susquehanna, from Otsego Lake to the Chesapeake Bay.…
Village of Cooperstown officials are seeking volunteers to help keep the downtown district in general, and the rain gardens in particular, looking beautiful during the spring and summer months.…
Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons has partnered with Bassett since 1947 to give students a unique clinical education. Columbia and Bassett expanded this experience by establishing the Columbia-Bassett Medical School Program, which welcomed its first class of 10 VP&S students in 2012.…