
Breaking News - Page 361


HITT, LOTTERMAN: Is Ordering Pupils Back The Right Way To Go?

GUEST COLUMN Is Ordering Pupils Back The Right Way To Go? Editor’s Note:  Two Charlotte Valley Central School parents provided this commentary on the reopening of the school. By ELIZABETH HITT & SARA LOTTERMAN Over the last several months, it feels like we have watched the world fall apart. We have felt scared for our country, for the world, for our families and friends, but most of all we feel scared for our children. Most recently we were shaken by…


COVID Can’t Stop Oneonta Halloween

COVID Won’t Stop Oneonta Halloween ONEONTA – Though limited in hours, Oneonta will still host their annual downtown trick-or-treating event this year, closing Main Street from 1-3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31. Students from SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College – masked and gloved – will assist businesses in handing out wrapped candy in front of participating businesses. Face coverings and social distancing are required.…


Cooperstown Elementary Returns To Virtual After Staff Tests Positive

NO CLASSES UNTIL MONDAY Staffer ‘Positive,’ CCS Elementary Sends Kids Home COOPERSTOWN – After an elementary school staff member tested positive for COVID-19, all K-6 students at Cooperstown Elementary School were sent home today for the rest of the week. In a letter sent out to parents, Interim Superintendent Romona Wenck, said as second staff member was identified as having “close contact” with the first. Additionally, three students were also identified as being close contacts, Wenck wrote.…



BULLETIN MAYOR VETOES CITY MASK LAW ONEONTA – With multiple public comments submitted voicing concerns over the enforcement of wearing masks in private homes, Mayor Gary Herzig announced at the end of tonight’s public hearing that he would not sign the city’s mask ordinance, which narrowly passed Council, 5-2, with one abstention, at its last meeting. “I fully support wearing masks,” said Herzig. “The intent of the law was to make local enforcement more effective. However, I do not believe…


Mayor, Council Member, Police Chief Set Record Straight On Flag

Mayor, Chief, Deputy Mayor Aim To Calm ‘Blue Line’ Furor By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – The removal of a “Thin Blue Line” flag from the pole in front of the Public Safety Building has caused a local social media uproar, and the mayor, police chief and deputy mayor issued a joint statement tonight seeking to calm the discussion. The men are in agreement on the issue, the statement said. “Locally, we have enough problems to solve…


Drive-Thru Festival Of Lights Set For 2 Weeks At Christmas

Drive-Thru Festival Of Lights Set For 2 Weeks At Christmas ONEONTA – First Night Oneonta decided this afternoon on a two-week drive-thru Festival of Lights at Neahwa Park during the Christmas season, board member David Hayes said a few minutes ago. Community groups will be asked to decorated lighted trees in the park, and they will be illuminated Dec. 18-Jan. 3, Hayes said.  Further details will be forthcoming.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Tour Art Exhibit By Lantern Light 10-21-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Tour Art Exhibit By Lantern Light ART IN THE DARK – 6:30 p.m. Tour museums galleries of folk art & fine art by Lantern Light with guides. Learn some of the mysterious, melancholy, untold stories behind the pieces & discover secrets with ultra-violet light. Limited to 8/tour. Cost, $14/non-member. Masks, pre-registration required. Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1400 or visit…


City Will Hear Public Comment On Mask Law

Public Hearing Tonight On City Mask Ordinance ONEONTA – A public hearing on the city’s new mask law will be heard as part of tonight’s Common Council meeting at 7 p.m. over Zoom. The ordinance, which codifies the state’s public health law, would require masks to be worn whenever social distancing can not be maintained, including during large gatherings in private homes. It passed Common Council 5-2, with one abstention.…


‘Nurses’ Hopeful Eyes’ Grip COVID-19 Patient

‘Nurses’ Hopeful Eyes’ Grip COVID-19 Patient Delhi Artist Recalls Narrow Escape From Bassett News Service COOPERSTOWN – This fall, Horace “Glenn” Lee, who spent weeks in Bassett Hospital’s intensive care unit last spring fighting COVID-19, returned to the ICU to thank the doctors and nurses who saved his life. “I was in the hospital for 37 days total, three weeks in Cooperstown’s ICU and two weeks in rehabilitation at O’ Connor Hospital in Delhi,” said Lee, a 69-year-old contemporary American…


Residency Requirement, Budget Powers Debated For City Administrator

Residency Requirement, Budget Debated For  City Administrator By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Residency and the budget process were two of the strongly-debated topics as Common Council continues refining the City Manager role to a City Administrator. “We’ve had so many issues with the last three city managers finding a place to stay, as well as issues with our housing stock, that we should allow the City Manager to live outside the city,” said Council member Dave…