
Breaking News - Page 477


Fracking Banned In NYS Budget

Fracking Banned In NYS Budget ALBANY – New York State has banned fracking in the state budget, NYPIRG announced a few minutes ago. The provision was included in the state’s 2020 budget, which is being firmed up today, a step that allows approval of controversial issues without the usual hearing a a specific vote on the floor. “The state has taken the next step to solidify its role as a climate leader by banning fracking in statute,” the lobbying group…


Leaving Nature Behind, Earth Fest Goes Digital

Leaving Nature Behind, Earth Fest Goes Digital 5 Days Of Virtual Events Planned COOPERSTOWN – Due to the coronavirus threat, Otsego County Conservation Association is taking the annual Earth Festival online, the OCCA announced this afternoon. The event, originally scheduled for April 18, will instead be a five-day event taking place online. This is the 15th year the Earth Festival is showcasing local environmentally themed organizations and businesses. “We wanted to find a way to help people celebrate the earth,…


NY-Based Pharma Company Creates 1/2 Million Test Kits

GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING, WEDNESDAY, 4/1 NY-Based Pharma Company Creates 1/2 Million Test Kits Governor Cuomo announced that amid a nationwide shortage of test kits and swabs, New York-based Regeneron Pharmaceuticals is creating 500,000 test kits for the state at no charge.  Also, the governor closed playgrounds in New York City.…


OFO Closed Shelters With One-Day Notice, County Board Learns

OFO Closed Shelters With One-Day Notice, County Board Learns Reps Ask: What’s Agency’s Responsibility? By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – On the morning of Tuesday, March 17, Opportunities for Otsego advised the county Social Services Department it was closing its shelters by 5 p.m. that evening. “OFO said, because of the new social distancing, they were shutting their doors,” County Attorney Ellen Coccoma advised the county Board of Representatives as this morning’s monthly meeting, held via Facebook…


If Need Arises, State Considering SUNY Oneonta As Possible Hospital

If Need Arises, State Considering SUNY Oneonta As Possible Hospital COOPERTOWN – While is hasn’t come to that, county board Chair David Bliss said today that SUNY Oneonta could be converted to a coronavirus hospital if necessary. Responding to a question from county Rep. Michele Farwell, D-Morris/Butternuts/Pittsfield, Bliss said that’s “part of the reason SUNY dorms were cleared and sanitized – in preparation for potential need for more space. “It’s under consideration already; that’s been discussed,” said the Republican, who…


‘Self-Disclosure’ Only Way Who’s Infected Would Be Released, Chairman Says

‘Self-Disclosure’ Only Way Who’s Infected Would Be Named, Chairman Says County Will Also Release Countywide Stats COOPERSTOWN – Saying “most people understand HPPA and privacy implications,” county board Chair Dave Bliss told his colleagues today Otsego County residents will only be given gross numbers about the coronavirus infestation. However, he said, individuals and families may “self-disclose,” he said. Some larger counties are releasing data by town, but “guidance from the state is that smaller counties with smaller population have the…


County May Lose Equivalent Of 2/3rd Of Levy In Crisis

CLICK TO WATCH WHOLE MEETING County May Lose Equivalent Of 2/3rd Of Levy In Crisis Ruffles: Sales, Bed Tax Plummet, NYS May Reneg On Promised Aid By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Otsego County’s finances in the Age of Coronavirus may be even worse than first feared. County Treasurer Allen Ruffles told the county board, meeting this morning via Facebook Live, that county government could see a “7, 8, 9 million reduction” in its revenues and reimbursements if…