
News - Page 30


Local Hurricane Relief Efforts Underway

Items currently most needed are non-perishable food, cold-weather gear of all sizes and bleach/cleaning supplies. Other supplies that are needed include bottled water, wipes, baby formula, hand sanitizer, paper towels, toilet paper, batteries, flashlights, first aid supplies, feminine hygiene products, personal hygiene products and toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.), trash bags (contractor size preferred), tarps, blankets, towels, shovels, brooms, coolers, gloves, generators, propane, gas, cook stoves, candles, matches, lighters, charcoal and pet food (dried or canned).…


Oneonta Literary Festival Opens with Sheena Mason Book Launch

Dr. Sheena Michele Mason is assistant professor of English at SUNY Oneonta. She holds a PhD with distinction in English from Howard University in Washington, D.C., and specializes in Africana and American literary studies and philosophy of race. She is published with Oxford University Press, Palgrave MacMillan, Cambridge University Press, and the University of Warsaw, among other presses.…


Bachanas Charged with Three Counts of Aggravated Animal Cruelty

Bachanas was arrested on September 3 following a welfare check at a residence on County Highway 35 in the Town of Milford, at which time she was charged with abandonment of animals and failure to provide proper sustenance. She was set to appear in Milford Town Court on Tuesday, October 1; however that appearance has since been rescheduled for Tuesday, October 8 at 4:30 p.m.…


Community Continues To Mull Over Sign Law Amendments

If changes to the village sign law are approved as proposed, this could open up the door for Hometown Heroes banners to be hung on utility poles on portions of Lake Street, Pine Boulevard, Chestnut Street and Glen Avenue—the equivalent of about two miles, or 15 percent, of village streets—but only with approval from NYSEG via its sign application for nonprofit organizations.…


Local Foods Local Spirits Event Celebrates the Region’s Bounty

Chefs will create their dishes using ingredients from CFM vendors, including Arabeth Farm, Bison Island Ranch, Black Willow Pond Farm, Byebrook Farm, Chloe’s Bakeshop, Gaia’s Breath Farm, Heller’s Farm, Middlefield Orchard, Mill Hollow Maple, Mountain View Dairy, Nectar Hills Farm, Painted Goat Farm, Rock Hill Farm, Straight from the Hive, and Vêsucré.…


Middlefield Fall Festival Returns Sunday

Cherry Valley’s Happy Haggs will mingle with the crowd for photos around 11 a.m., and will perform their dancing spells at 11:30. Adults and children in costume are invited to “trunk or treat” on the baseball field below the schoolhouse at 1 p.m., featuring pumpkin painting.…

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