
Oneonta - Page 18


The Partial Observer: Building a Strong, Balanced Community in Oneonta

The City of Oneonta’s request to RSS to consider developing 27 Market Street is not the first time this organization has been called upon to step up. In the 1980s, Mayor Brenner sought our help in providing housing and support services for residents being deinstitutionalized. We have invested in this community for more than 30 years, utilizing our knowledge of the housing market and resources as a non-profit developer.…


In Memoriam: Judythe Dim

ONEONTA—Judythe Dim, a recent resident of Oneonta, New York and formerly of New York City (Manhattan), died on Monday, February 12, 2024 at the age of 83.
Born on August 25, 1940 to parents Ann and Nathan, she had one sister, Barbara Lee. Most of her early years were spent in Brooklyn, New York, where she graduated from James Madison High School and was captain of the Twirlers.…


On Stage: Students To Stage Story Focusing on Jack the Ripper’s Victims

The worldwide premier of “Dead by Jack: The Victims of Jack the Ripper,” directed by Kiara Pipino, comes to Oneonta next week! This is one of the exciting things about living in a small town like ours, with two colleges: One gets all the peace and beauty of a rural life, while at the same time there always seems to be loads happening on the art, lecture, special guest, musical, and theater fronts.…

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