


Hawthorn Hill Journal: Mismanaging Human Integrity

As I sit here looking out my window every day, and after reading through what are considered credible news resources most mornings, one cannot help but be struck by the preponderance of incivility just about everywhere. Perhaps my thoughts at this moment are clouded by the dismal view from my study window.…


Life Sketches: Cousin Chickie’s Greatest Gift—A Christmas Story

We lived in Bensonhurst, in a 12-room Victorian that had been divided into apartments. I occupied the second floor with my dad, while Chickie and his wife and two babies lived on the first floor and my Aunt Edna and Uncle Dave and their sons Leo and Charlie lived on the attic floor. There was also Mr. Bilideau, the boarder, who was a leftover from the time when my grandmother had rented rooms. There had once been a Mr. Yumtov…

Bound Volumes: December 19, 2024

185 YEARS AGO: What is a Loco Foco? A democrat, a benevolent, kind-hearted, honest man – a lover of the human race – one who is happy where others are happy – who despises all aristocracy, all tyranny over the minds of men – one who respects the industrious poor man as much as he does the rich man, (and more, if he be more honest) – one in favor of having the workman paid when he has earned his…

Hometown History: December 19, 2024

110 YEARS AGO: Local News – Ice at the Electric Pond at East End is about eight inches thick and that at the Plains Lake six inches. If the cold weather continues, it will not be many days before the Ice Company will be marking out its fields and preparing the annual harvest. The skaters are already improving the opportunity.
While doubtless some provision should be made for the young to coast, yet the practice of allowing quite young children to…

Bound Volumes: December 12, 2024

110 YEARS AGO: We must get together. The civilization of American communities has developed to such a degree that each person becomes a cogwheel. No person who calls Cooperstown his home can truthfully say that he lives independently of its civilization. Granting the truth of this statement, then each citizen is obliged to do his or her something for Cooperstown. That something may be embodied in personal work along lines which will lead toward cleaner or better citizenship or in…

Hometown History: December 12, 2024

135 YEARS AGO: The Local News—The peculiar weather of the past year or so, with the great amount of moisture deposited, is said to be accounted for by Professor Tyndall upon the theory that the Gulf Stream is steadily approaching our North Atlantic coast. He bases his argument on the discovery of gulf weed further and further in-shore during a period of ten years, and it is stated that the stream is already many miles nearer the coast than formerly.…

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