
Columns - Page 104


ZAGATA: Regulations Coming Home To Roost

THE VIEW FROM WEST DAVENPORT Regulation Coming Home To Roost By MIKE ZAGATA • Special to For several decades our nation’s environmental policies have, for the most part, been driven by emotion or what “seemed,” according to popular opinion, to be the “right” thing to do. As a result, many of those policies lacked a scientific basis and the unintended consequences are, like lost chickens, coming home to roost. New York State’s ban on fracking may well be such an…


ISSUE & DEBATE: Will Lofts On Dietz Use Too Much Parking?

ISSUE & DEBATE Will Lofts On Dietz Use Too Much Parking? Editor’s Note: Following a sometimes heated Oneonta Planning Commission public hearing Wednesday, Oct. 16, which focused on whether the Lofts on Dietz, 66 proposed units of artists’ lofts and housing, will use too much of the Dietz Street parking lot, this exchange appeared on Facebook earlier this week: ►from ALAN CLEINMAN, president, Cleinman Performance Partners, Oneonta Fellow citizens of Oneonta: I feel compelled to challenge the notion that the…


BENNETT: In Land Of Plenty, Many Are Needy

WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER In Land Of Plenty, Many Are Needy By LARRY BENNETT • Special to This column is titled, “We are all in this together,” but it doesn’t always appear to be so. The U.S. economy is the world’s largest – our GDP will exceed $21 trillion in 2019. Our GDP represents 20 percent of total global output, is larger than China’s GDP, and is projected to grow 2.5 percent in 2019. Our GDP per person…


JEROME: What The ‘Plus’ In PolioPlus?

What’s The ‘Plus’ Of PolioPlus? By MICHAEL JEROME • Cooperstown Rotary PolioPlus Chric Thirty years ago, Rotary International made a promise to the children of the world – we will eradicate polio worldwide. This pledge launched the PolioPlus program, the first global initiative to provide mass vaccinations to children. Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) have made great strides in their sustained effort to end polio forever despite many challenges over the years. Rotary remains…


ATWELL: She Would Have Loved That Smile

A FRONT PORCH PERSPECTIVE She Would Have Loved That Smile Editor’s Note: Jim Atwell penned this column on Aug. 30, 2001, when he and Anne were still living in Fly Creek. By JIM ATWELL • Special to I can’t do justice in words to an incident last Saturday. It was too rich with meaning. But the moment was so wondrous that I’ll still try to tell you.  Read the words, please; then make up for their shortfall from your…


McEVOY: County Manager, Certainty; Energy, Pot Still Up In Air

THE McEVOY MEMO County Manager, Certainty; Energy, Pot Still Up In Air Editor’s Note: Chad McEvoy, the Otsego County Democratic Party’s communications director, emailed this memo Oct. 1, alerting county Democrats they are one seat away from winning a majority on the county Board of Representatives, and what it means if that happens. By CHAD McEVOY • OCDC Communications Director In 2019 the political stars are aligning just right to give Democrats the best shot yet at capturing an outright…


  MORGAN: Fracking Bust? Or Fracking Boom?

MONEY MATTERS • Column Fracking Bust? Or Fracking Boom? By TOM MORGAN • Special to Who you gonna believe? When people argue over contentious issues today they often follow a predictable pattern. He cites a scientific study that says blah blah about climate change. She cites a scientific study that claims the opposite. Oh yeah? He says her study was published in a junk journal. Oh yeah? She lists the scientist’s credentials. And claims his scientist has the wrong…


BENNETT: Poverty: It’s All Around Us

WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER • Column POVERTY It’s All Around Us Editor’s Note: Larry Bennett of East Meredith, Brewery Ommegang’s recently retired creative director who is much active in community causes, joins The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta in this edition as a regular columnist. By LARRY BENNETT • Special to Last Saturday, Oct. 5, 200 people attended a forum in Oneonta, “Living with Dignity and the Crisis of Poverty in Otsego and Delaware Counties.” Over three hours,…


MORRIS: Feather, Circle Represent Search For A Better World

PRESIDENT MORRIS’ INSTALLATION Feather, Circle Represent Search For A Better World Editor’s Note:  This is an excerpt from Barbara Jean Morris’  Oct. 5 inaugural address at her installation as SUNY Oneonta’s eighth president. You might have noticed the symbol of a feather in a circle on my inaugural invitation, the cover of today’s program, and the banners behind the stages. The Native American symbol of the circle best illustrates my desire for a community that is based on mutual understanding,…


ATWELL: Mother Steadfastly ‘True North’

Column Mother Steadfastly ‘True North’ I’ve just spent an hour upstairs in, so far, a fruitless search. The search was for an object about as round as a half dollar, and it weighs not much more. Olive drab, its metal case has a cracked glass face. Inside it, a needle trembles on a center post. The needle, as it has for over a century, points true north. You can’t fool that needle by turning the case so that the printed…

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