Columns – Page 3 – All Otsego


Columns - Page 3


Hometown History: February 27, 2025

90 YEARS AGO: Academic freedom was defined today for 2,500 of the nation’s educators as “the freedom of the learner to learn, not the freedom of the teacher to teach.” The educators debated the role of public education in the present changing social world. The advocacy of new social doctrines in the class room was vigorously attacked by Frank W. Ballou, Superintendent of Schools for Washington, D.C. “Teachers should confine themselves to giving pupils a clear idea of the existing…


How Big Is This, Really?: ‘Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity’

Yet the election of Ichiro is likely to bring an entirely new tourist demographic to Otsego County. As the first Japanese player to be honored with a plaque in our hallowed gallery, the chance to showcase our area to a new international audience is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. The hospitality we show this summer will resonate like never before. Cooperstown will make memories that will be cherished on the other side of the world.…


News from the Noteworthy: FDA Rule Could End Smoking, Save Millions

“The benefits of the FDA’s proposed rule are unprecedented,” Kristen Richardson, director of Tobacco Free Communities: Delaware, Otsego & Schoharie says. “Once the nicotine level of cigarettes and other tobacco products drops to a level low enough to no longer create or sustain addiction, they would lose their ability to hook most people into dependence.”…


The Partial Observer: On the Path to Civic Readiness

New York State’s “Portrait of a Graduate in Practice” initiative provides separate pathways for students to receive recognition for their participation in civics and involvement within the community. One of these pathways is the Seal of Civic Readiness, which is a form of recognition correlated with a work-based learning experience.…

Bound Volumes: February 20, 2025

210 YEARS AGO: 20 Dollars Reward, will be given to any person who will return a HORSE, which was stolen from the stable of the subscriber, on the 19th inst. and marked as follows: two white hind feet—mare headed—has been nicked, but carries a bad tail—a little lame in one of his fore feet—good trotter—lively good eye—about fifteen hands high—bright bay color—has been hogged, but his mane now half grown. There was taken at the same time a common saddle…

Hometown History: February 20, 2025

110 YEARS AGO: Trainmen on a Delaware & Hudson freight train early yesterday morning found the mangled remains of a man lying beside the tracks about a mile north of the station at Cooperstown Junction. Company officials were immediately notified and a special train was made up to go to the spot where the body was found, carrying along Coroner E.J. Parish and the representative of a local undertaking firm. The remains were brought to Oneonta. From papers found in…


On Stage: Democracy, Mars and Line Dancing Come Together in ‘The Alleged Children of Darkness’

“I would describe [the play] as an attempt at a big blockbuster, dystopian world-building story… it’s always been a popular genre, the dystopian future thing, and I’ve always been drawn to it. It’s pretty hard to do on stage effectively… I started [writing] it in 2018 and I was just like, ‘Let’s see if I can do it.’ … I just started building this 30-years-in-the-future world. I created the astronaut—the Mars man—who could come back and encounter a new world…