
Columns - Page 9


Lasting Impressions: A Merry Ballet

The much-anticipated highlight of the afternoon was the Concerto for Bassoon, KV191 by Mozart. Daniel Hane, principal bassoonist of Fenimore Chamber Orchestra, deftly showcased the unique qualities of the instrument while displaying its virtuosic power and range, not to mention the wit and charm that Mozart provided.…

Bound Volumes: 09-19-24

Gallant Exploit—During the last week, Col. Mitchel, at Sacket’s Harbor, dispatched a small boat with four men in it to reconnoiter the Canada shore. After landing and traveling a few miles into the country, they met his majesty’s mail carrier, on his way from Kingston to the head of the lake. After taking from him the mail, they dismissed him, with directions to return and bring them another. We understand that its contents generally, are of such importance…

Hometown History: September 19, 2024.


Formal notice was given to the world today by President Wilson that the United States at this time cannot pass judgment upon or take any part in controversies between the warring European nations over alleged violations of the rules of civilian warfare and humanity. He said settlement of these questions would have to wait until the end of the war, which he prayed might be very soon. A resume of the findings of the Belgian Commission of Inquiry…


The Partial Observer: Hundreds Celebrate CCS, Community ‘Icon’ Howard

In an unusual scene the afternoon of Saturday, September 7 at Cooperstown Central School, it wasn’t until after the varsity football game ended that the parking lots around the high school began to really fill up with cars. The reason? Hundreds of people gathered at the school’s auditorium to pay their respects, share remembrances, have a laugh, and perhaps even shed a tear or two as longtime influential community figure and CCS educator, coach, and athletics Hall of Fame member…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: Thermal Energy, a Hotbed of Activity

First, internal energy (U) is the sum of all forms of microscopic energy in a system. It includes all the kinetic energy (the motions, rotations, and vibrations) of tiny particles and all the potential energy of those particles interacting with each other. Think of Pandora’s box (in the original myth, it’s a jar, not a box!) rollicking with buzzing, sparking, invisible particles of evil and mischief inside.…

Bound Volumes: September 12, 2024

210 YEARS AGO: Song—I asked my fair one happy day—What should I call her in my lay? By what sweet name from Rome or Greece? Iphigenia, Clelia, Chloris, Laura, Lesbia, Delia, Doris, Dorimene or Lucrece? Ah! Replied my gentle fair, Beloved, what are names but air? Take thou whate’er suits the line, Clelia, Iphigenia, Chloris, Laura, Lesbia, Delia, Doris, But don’t forget to call me thine.
September 14, 1814…

Hometown History: September 12, 2024

110 YEARS AGO: The State Education Department has made public a list of students of the public schools of the state who have passed the examinations necessary for college entrance diplomas and who are eligible for state scholarships under the amended school law of 1913. Those eligible and their test averages from Oneonta are: Riley Crippen (90.38); Alice E. Kilkenny (83.8); Earnestine Ethlyn Morse (77.7); George Herbert Fletcher (77.57); and Stuart Grant (70.5).…

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