
Editorial - Page 7


Editorial: Ghost Story

Next Tuesday is All Hallows’ Eve, more commonly known as Hallowe’en, a celebration observed by Christians across the globe on October 31 as the eve of the feast of All Saints Day, which is a day to honor the dead, including saints, martyrs and the faithful departed.…


Editorial: Who Will You Choose?

Election Day is just 19 days away and early voting starts October 28. If you’re like us, your head is swimming with questions about the race for Otsego County clerk. Experience and departmental knowledge versus energy and vision. Republican versus Democrat. Jennifer Basile versus MacGuire Benton.…


Editorial: Resurrect WQCC, Please

The Otsego County Water Quality Coordinating Committee was established in 1992 as a sub-committee of the Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District. WQCC membership was ad hoc and open to any agency, organization or individual demonstrating an interest in non-point source water pollution and source water protection.…


Editorial: Exercise Your Rights

Since the founding of our country, the right to vote has undergone massive, and constant, change. Many of these changes have been beneficial and forward-thinking, ever expanding the concept of universal franchise; others have taken a step or many steps backward, flirting with disenfranchisement and instigating all means of voter restrictions.…


Editorial: All in a Day’s Work

Philanthropy, which has long been defined as love for humankind, has been lurking in the minds of our civilization for at least 2,500 years. It was first written in the works of the Greek playwright, Aeschylus, but the combined concept of “philos” (loving) and “anthropos” (humankind) existed long before the invention of the written word.…


Editorial: It’s a Smelly Mess

There are a lot of problems in this world, some big and some not so big. One of the big, really big, problems we as a country and as a world have is food waste. We can’t seem to be able either to make good use of the immeasurable amount of uneaten food we produce, or to dispose of it in an intelligent, green and helpful way.…


Guest Editorial: School Sports Make Adults of Us

Summer is over. Even as the weather aggressively reminds us that autumn isn’t quite here, it’s easy to pick out the signs that the seasons are changing. School has started. Dreams Park players are gone, as are many of the young hospitality workers that serve them and other area visitors. Otsego County is, on average, much older than it was two weeks ago.…


Editorial: It’s Not ‘Over’ Yet

Something happened last weekend. All of a sudden the Village of Cooperstown was quiet; the sidewalks were sparsely populated; there were a number of parking spaces on Main Street (though not so many opposite the Hall of Fame, where the sign says 15-minute parking); there were no horns blaring (though the fire department siren was working hard, as is its wont); and there were fewer cars speeding up and down the lake and on Route 28, south toward Oneonta.…


Editorial: Johnny Needs to Read

Recently it has come to light that the fourth grade reading scores for children in New York have dropped at least six points, double the national average, on the test that allows for comparisons among the states. And that comparison puts our state—among, as we know, the largest—at number 32 in the nation for child literacy.…

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