
Letters To The Editor - Page 92


Cooperstown Can Have It All – Classical Music, Talk Radio – On WSKG

Cooperstown Can Have It All – Classical Music, Talk Radio – On WSKG To the Editor: WSKG, the only classical music station accessible to Cooperstown listeners, has recently changed to a new all-talk format on both its frequencies (91.7 and 105.9). This constitutes a real loss for our community, where classical music has a strong cultural and economic presence: witness the Glimmerglass Festival and the Cooperstown Summer Music Festival. But all is not lost! WSKG operates a partner station, “WSKG…


Anti-Amazon Forces Alive – In Oneonta

FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S PEN Anti-Amazon Forces Alive – In Oneonta Don’t think for a second that  the Amazon debacle we just experienced in New York City isn’t happening right here in our community. This was more than evident at the City of Oneonta State of the City  Tuesday, March 5, as reported on What should have been a good evening for the city turned into a complete mess. A small group of people with an unreasonable view on the…


Be Failing, But Tom Seaver’s Victories Immortal

Be Failing, But Tom Seaver’s Victories Immortal To the Editor: I read this afternoon about Tom Seaver’s health. My favorite Seaver memory (and my favorite New York Mets memory of all … and I was at Game 6!) was going to a July game at Shea in 1969. It was a big family deal. We got new shirts, new socks. It was sunny. It was hot. The L-I-E was going to be packed and stalled with overheating cars heading toward…


Support Early Voting, Seward, Salka Asked

Support Early Voting, Seward, Salka Asked To the Editor: As people of faith, we care about early voting being funded for New York State because all eligible voters should have the freedom to vote at a convenient time without the worry of putting their jobs and personal responsibilities at risk. Voting is the most fundamental right of every democracy, and New York lawmakers have finally stepped up to their responsibility to assure that all citizens of the state have equal…


League: No Contest, But Exercise Your Right To Vote

League: No Contest, But Exercise Your Right To Vote To the Editor: The League of Women Voters, Cooperstown Area urges the citizens of the Village of Cooperstown to vote in the village election Tuesday, March 19. Polls are open noon-9 p.m. at the Cooperstown Fire Hall on Chestnut Street. There are three open trustee seats: two for three-year terms; and one for a one-year term to complete the final year of the seat left vacant when Ellen Tillapaugh became mayor.…


Future Requires ALL Forms Of Energy, Including Affordable, Plentiful Natural Gas

Future Requires ALL Forms Of Energy, Including Affordable, Plentiful Natural Gas   To the Editor: Dan Buttermann’s letter in your editions of Feb. 21-22 headlined, “On Energy Future, State Must Pick Right Side,” has the right title but supports the wrong side – renewables only, no new gas. Unfortunately, the state (Governor Cuomo) shares Mr. Butterman’s view. Now the consequences are beginning to show. Con Ed announced no new gas hook-ups in Westchester County. A six-acre urban renewal project in…


Not All ‘Green New Deals’ Threaten Americans’ Personal Liberties

Not All ‘Green New Deals’ Threaten Americans’ Personal Liberties To the Editor: There is no Green New Deal. That is to say, there is no one Green New Deal despite your newspaper columnist’s alarmist assertions last week that personal freedoms are endangered by addressing Climate Change. There are many proposals involving stimulus programs that aim to address Climate Change. Some, like House Res. 109/Senate Res. 59, sponsored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., also address economic…


The Goal: Doing All We Can To Reduce Dependence On Fossil Fuels

The Goal: Doing All We Can To Reduce Dependence On Fossil Fuels   I was sent this article, “Until Available 24/7, Renewable Energy Not Ready For Prime Time,” from your newspaper of Feb. 21-22. “Another speaker spoke of all the things he had done to remove himself from the grid. Again, I couldn’t help but wonder how he paid for it – solar, geo-thermal and a $100,000 Tesla electric car. Would the savings ever allow him to recover those incremental…


On Energy Future, State Must Pick Right Side Of Scale

On Energy Future, State Must Pick Right Side Of Scale To the Editor: My letter relates to previous submissions regarding energy development, specifically Dick Downey’s letter from the Jan. 31-Feb. 1 editions. Mr. Downey brings forward two frustrating points. The first is that Climate Change may not be real or related to human activity, and the second that renewable energy is viable only with state support. I will start with Mr. Downey’s view on climate change, and his contention that…


Plea To Biological Field Station: End Pesticide Use

Plea To Biological Field Station: End Pesticide Use   To the Editor: Five years ago, CVS Pharmacy Corp., as a healthcare-product provider, made the costly but ethical decision to discontinue the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Cheers to them! With springtime approaching, I am reminded by the CVS example of applied ethics of the decades-long silence by the SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station on West Lake Road, regarding the use of pesticides and herbicides on the Leatherstocking Golf…

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