


Editorial: Officials, Public Need a Refresher on Meeting Decorum

And with regard to members of the public attending these municipal meetings, the Association of Towns is very clear: “No member of the public shall engage in any demonstration, booing, hand clapping or otherwise disrupt the formality of a town board meeting,” and, “Any persons speaking to the Board with the consent of the Supervisor shall address their remarks to the Board, not to other members of the audience in the form of a debate.”…


Hawthorn Hill Journal: Mismanaging Human Integrity

As I sit here looking out my window every day, and after reading through what are considered credible news resources most mornings, one cannot help but be struck by the preponderance of incivility just about everywhere. Perhaps my thoughts at this moment are clouded by the dismal view from my study window.…


Life Sketches: Cousin Chickie’s Greatest Gift—A Christmas Story

We lived in Bensonhurst, in a 12-room Victorian that had been divided into apartments. I occupied the second floor with my dad, while Chickie and his wife and two babies lived on the first floor and my Aunt Edna and Uncle Dave and their sons Leo and Charlie lived on the attic floor. There was also Mr. Bilideau, the boarder, who was a leftover from the time when my grandmother had rented rooms. There had once been a Mr. Yumtov…


Northrup: Health System Is Flawed

Exhibit A is, of course, UnitedHealthcare, who, like other private insurance companies, makes money as a toll booth between patient and physician—by aggressively selling relatively inexpensive policies, then works overtime to deny or delay the payment of claims—despite the best efforts and advocacy of healthcare providers, such as the good people at Bassett.…

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