
Opinion - Page 240


Trustees Should Help, Not Hinder Downtown Revival

from CATHE ELLSWORTH Trustees Should Help, Not Hinder Downtown Revival To the Editor: In last week’s newspaper, Cooperstown Village Trustee Richard Sternberg penned a column in which he went to great lengths to point out all the various village projects that need to be completed.  Included on the list such things as the roads, not to mention other infrastructure needs, and the wastewater treatment plant as well as the Doubleday Field upgrade. When added to this list of needed undertakings,…


If Johnson City, Then Why Not Cooperstown?

COLUMN If Johnson City, Then Why Not Cooperstown? Editor’s Note: Oneonta’s City Hall is actively helping private developers revive its downtown, but downstate developers are starting to recognize a demand for housing Upstate and seeking to fill the need. Per this report on, might someone consider Cooperstown’s vacant downtown CVS as an opportunity? JOHNSON CITY – A New York City developer has plans to build a three-story, multi-family apartment building in Johnson City. Praveen Kamath, founder and managing member of AOM…


Main Street In Trouble, Yet Housing In Demand

from RICK HULSE SR. Main Street In Trouble, Yet Housing In Demand To the Editor: Your editorial about Main Street is timely. When CVS and the General Store closed, businesses that remained experience a plunge in traffic and revenue. We are in a tragic situation with no apparent leadership equipped to deal with it. My advice to Matt Hazzard at the time was to go all out nationally to determine interest in the CVS space. Parking revenue is probably restricted…


No One Should Be Forced To Take Psychiatric Drugs

from JASON HEWLETT No One Should Be Forced To Take Psychiatric Drugs To the Editor: As a man diagnosed with a mental illness for the past 20+ years, I have the lived experience to give the public a patient’s view of the dangers of psychiatric drugs. They are not at all what most people, including those who are mentally ill, think they are. If you were to Google “Psychiatric Drugs: Cure or Quackery?” by Lawrence Stevens J.D., you would get…


Methodists At Fly Creek Pray Peacefully Together

from JULIE HUNTSMAN, CHRIS KJOLHEDE Methodists At Fly Creek Pray Peacefully Together To the Editor: We appreciate this paper’s coverage of local dissent from the global United Methodist Church’s “Traditional Plan” which passed by a slim majority at the church’s conference in February of this year. To those not acquainted with the issue, the Traditional Plan continues the UMC Book of Discipline’s codified discrimination of people identifying as LGBTQ.   Those so identifying are not turned away from church, but…


‘Love Conquers All’: At Colgate Graduation, Delgado Says He Resisted Fighting Fire With Fire

COLUMN ‘Love Conquers All’ At Colgate Graduation, Delgado Says He Resisted Fighting Hate With Hate Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado’s commencement address Sunday, May 19, at Colgate University, his alma mater.  Click here to read related editorial. I want to start with a story about my mother, who has often told me that she loves me with every fiber of her being, and there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it. She…


Downtown Revival IS Exciting; Let’s ACT Excited

EDITORIAL Downtown Revival IS Exciting; Let’s ACT Excited About Plans There’s a lot going on in the City of Oneonta right now, as City Hall’s DRI (the Downtown Revitalization Initiative) begins distributing $10 million in state money,  leveraging it in a way that attracts many millions more  in private investment. Certainly, there are time pressures. There are conflicting agendas. There’s not ever going to be enough money to make everybody happy. Lately, environmentalists are ready to swoop down on any…


RSS Foes ‘Do Not Want To Live Near Crazies’

from SHIRLEY O’SHEA RSS Foes ‘Do Not Want To Live Near Crazies’ To the Editor: The individuals comprising the Sixth Ward Neighbors United are clearly not willing to be neighbors to persons with psychiatric disorders who need housing assistance. The Neighbors claim that they want full investigation of Rehabilitation Support Services (RSS) for financial improprieties prior to approval of applications for low-income housing for mentally ill residents.…


STERNBERG: Blame Businesspeople For Downtown

COLUMN Blame Businesspeople For Downtown Woes In response to last week’s editorial regarding Cooperstown purchasing the old CVS building … What rot! I can only believe that this is either sarcasm or your newspaper trying to roil the waters for the sake of selling more newspapers. It is not the position of a very small municipality that struggles to put together a balanced budget every year while maintaining an adequate reserve, to be buying up public property for the sake…


TILLAPAUGH: Prosperity, Offerings About Here

COLUMN Prosperity, Offerings About Cooperstown Editor’s Note: Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch delivered these welcoming remarks when NYCOM, the New York Conference of Mayors, convened Sunday, May 6, at The Otesaga, for its three-day annual conference. I have had the opportunity over the past year to welcome several groups to Cooperstown – but I have to say this is one of the more intimidating as I am facing a room of peers – elected officials who have all had to provide…

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