
Opinion - Page 242


ELLSWORTH: Not So Wild In The Heart

From The Heart Of Ohio Not So Wild In The Heart Although we do not normally make any New Year resolutions, we must admit that we did this year, as there are times in life when we tend not to make the best choices, leaving us needing to make some changes. And such seems to be the case when we chose the name “From the Wilds of Ohio” for our current writings.  Since doing so, we have discovered there is…


Letters What About Health, Retirement Benefits

What About Health, Retirement Benefits? To the Editor: Have you ever decided your own salary for the coming year? If so, did you opt to use another person’s money to give yourself a nearly 30-percent raise? Unlikely. Many of us would consider that unethical and shocking. The Otsego County Board of Representatives recently did just that, including their own generous raise in a half-million-dollar management salary reset. Some downplay the financial impact, but the county board raise alone will cost…


Stacie Haynes Latest ‘Citizen’ To Win Everyone’s Appreciation

Editorial for December 28, 2018 Stacie Haynes Latest ‘Citizen’ To Win Everyone’s Appreciation In early 2015, when the credentials of Hometown Oneonta/The Freeman’s Journal “20 Under 40” honorees were published in this newspaper, Stacie Haynes – one of the 20 – called to say how impressed she was by everyone’s accomplishments. “I’m not worthy,” she said. It was explained to her that an independent panel of community leaders from Oneonta and Cooperstown had convened, reviewed nominations from the public, and…


Christmas, Things Better Then Ever – Really!

Editorial for December 21, 2018 Christmas, Things Better Then Ever – Really! Handel’s “Messiah,” performed every other year by the Voices of Cooperstown at Christ Church – on Saturday, December 15, this was one of those happy years – brings to front of mind the inevitable light and darkness that is part of everyone’s life. Amid the wailing and gnashing of teeth that has characterized American life since Nov. 8, 2016 – “dumpster fire” has just been added to Merriam…


ZAGATA: Today, Renewables Can’t Go It Alone

Column by Mike Zagata for December 21, 2018 1. Today, Renewables Can’t Go It Alone We all share a concern about our environment and what forms of energy to use in order to maintain our lifestyle and position in the global economy. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and thus the day will come when they are gone. Energy companies know this and realize that, in order to remain viable, they must look for renewable alternatives. However, there isn’t a magic switch…


KUZMINSKI: Public Banks, ‘Greenbacks,’ Might Close Gap Between Rich And Poor

Column by Adrian Kuzminski for December 14, 2018 Public Banks, ‘Greenbacks,’ Might Close Gap Between Rich And Poor I brought up the Green New Deal in my last column as the only political agenda I’ve seen which, whether we agree with it or not, at least tries to measure up to the magnitude of the two biggest problems we face: climate change and economic insecurity. Let’s take a closer look.…


Can Open-Minded People Create ‘Center Of Energy Excellence’?

Editorial for December 14, 2018 Can Open-Minded People Create ‘Center Of Energy Excellence’? Otsego Chamber’s ‘Energy Infrastructure Summit,’ County Task Force’s Makeup Will Help Answer That Question – And Soon Where angels fear to tread… The angel in this piece is Barbara Ann Heegan, Otsego Chamber of Commerce president, who this week announced the chamber is planning an Energy Infrastructure Summit Thursday, Jan. 31, at The Otesaga. “By bringing other stakeholders to the table, we can help inform our membership…


ZAGATA: How Sequoias Were Saved Offers Lesson On Forest Fires

Column by Mike Zagata for December 7, 2018 How Sequoias Were Saved Offers Lesson On Forest Fires Editor’s Note: Among his many credentials, Mike Zagata is currently director of organization development at the New York State Forest Owners Association. The fires burning in California are indeed tragic, but their severity could have been averted. If politicians and environmentalists had bothered to research the ecology of the brushlands and forests in California, they would have discovered that they are fire dominated…


George H.W. Bush Life Is An Example Of Simple Courtesy To Us All

Editorial for December 6, 2018. George H.W. Bush Life Is An Example Of Simple Courtesy To Us All When he was first running for U.S. senator from Vermont in 1974, Patrick Leahy, now eminent ranking Democrat and erstwhile chairman of the Judiciary Committee, used to joke, “Washington D.C. you can’t get there from here.” Whatever way you look at it, it’s a long way from here to the corridors of power and vice versa. But it’s boys from cities and…


KUZMINSKI: Democrats Can Rebuild Around Climate Change, Economic Justice

Column by Adrian Kuzminski November 30, 2018. Democrats Can Rebuild Around Climate Change, Economic Justice Now that the Democrats have made a comeback by capturing the House of Representatives, they are faced with how to use their new power. Up to now, they have been obsessed with Trump, and split on how to address the problems of the day. We’ll get to Trump in a moment. But first, let’s look at what the Democrats have to say about the big…

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