
Opinion - Page 257

KUZMINSKI: On Playing The Race Card

Column by Adrian Kuzminski for July 27, 2018 On Playing The Race Card There was a time not so long ago when the ideal on racial issues was to be color-blind, presuming the equality of all. When that proved not to effectively address the underlying problem of racism, affirmative action became the order of the day. It played an important role in bringing minorities, especially blacks, out of the ghettos and into prominence in the professions, the media and middle-class…


ZAGATA: Face-To-Face Is Better. But If You Communicate Electronically…

Column by Mike Zagata for July 20, 2018 Face-To-Face Is Better. But If You Communicate Electronically… When thinking about the joys and pitfalls of communicating electronically, I’m reminded of these words from a John Denver song: “She sang to me in silence with her eyes”. How beautiful is that! Those of us who began communicating before the advent of e-mail and texting with our cell phones understand what’s behind those words. The “millennials” may, through no fault of their own,…


AD The Voice’s Rap Career Emerges As Campaign’s First Hot Potato

Editorial, July 20, 2018 AD The Voice’s Rap Career Emerges As Campaign’s First Hot Potato Get ready, folks. We’re going to be hearing a lot of hip-hop music between now and Nov. 6. It was generally known during the just-completed primary campaign in our 19th Congressional District that the victor, Antonio Delgado, had been involved in a rap venture in Los Angeles more than a decade ago, but details were fuzzy. And they didn’t really matter: Chances were even or…


Let Young Entrepreneur Bring Nick’s Diner Back To Life

Editorial, July 13, 2018 Let Young Entrepreneur Bring Nick’s Diner Back To Life Here’s the choice: The nearly complete restoration of Oneonta’s historic Nick’s Diner can go forward, with better than even chances it will succeed. Or, almost complete, it can be allowed to remain vacant, eventually deteriorating to the point it will be razed or removed. It is hoped it will be in much better hands this time around. A failure to keep track of finances and track expenditure…



Column by Adrian Kuzminski for July 13, 2018 OPEN LETTER TO ANTONIO DELGADO Fight Faso Over Big Money In Politics Congratulations on winning the Democratic nomination for Congress in New York’s 19th Congressional District. You’ve got a tough fight ahead against a smooth and wily opponent. I’m one of many who would like to see Representative John Faso defeated. He is a bought and paid for ex-lobbyist with big hardcore far right support. The Mercer family, investors in Breitbart News…


ZAGATA: Is There No Way To Stop Child Separations?

Column by Mike Zagata, July 6, 2018 Is There No Way To Stop Child Separations? Most of us are the descendants of immigrants who legally entered the country via Ellis Island. As Americans, we should be proud that people want to come to our country. However, there are laws that control the rate of entry and processes to follow in adhering to those laws. Today we’re besieged with a media blitz focused on the separation of children from adults caught…


Homer Osterhoudt, Citizen: A Life Of Service, Leadership, Joy Is An Example To Us All

Editorial, July 6, 2018 Homer Osterhoudt, Citizen A Life Of Service, Leadership, Joy Is An Example To Us All Interviewed as his 100th birthday last January, Homer Osterhoudt remained full of life and curiosity, enthusiastically reporting deer peering in the window of his Woodside Hall room most evenings. His back, which had carried Cooperstown’s mail on a 10-mile route daily for many of his 34 years at the Cooperstown post office, had begun to bend, but he was as warm…


MORGAN: On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America

Column by Tom Morgan, July 6, 2018 Money Talk On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America We find dollops of hatred on the menu this 4th of July. Facebook bristles with diatribes. As do various social media portals. Politicians screech insults. Hollywood stars spit gutter language at the President. Mobs drive White House staff and their families from restaurants. Academics rev up poisonous demonstrations. They fill young minds with anti-American bile. News networks blister the administration. Endlessly. Protests morph…


KUZMINSKI: Can GOP, Democrats Compromise?

Column by Adrian Kuzminski on June 29, 2018 Can GOP, Democrats Compromise? About a year ago, a deal was suggested between President Trump and establishment Democrats whereby Trump would support a path to citizenship for at least some illegal aliens while Democrats would support something like The Wall on the southern border. The deal came very close, after Democrats met with Trump, but fell apart. It’s now back in the news again. Is such a compromise possible, or even desirable?…


Focus Indictments Put All Nursing-Home Operators On Notice

Editorial, June 29, 2018 Focus Indictments Put All Nursing-Home Operators On Notice Now we know, lives indeed may be at stake. Two top executives of Focus Ventures have been arrested on eight counts involving two residents of the county’s former nursing home, Otsego Manor. (The county sold the Manor to Focus in January 2014, for $18.5 million, and Centers Health Care bought it from Focus in January for an undisclosed sum.) Five of the counts are “endangering the welfare of…

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