
Otsego County


Otsego Outdoors Announces Its Winter Octet Challenge

“The Winter Octet Challenges are our most popular,” said Peg Odell, program and communications manager of Otsego 2000. “Some people love the snow and year-round recreation. And for others, when cabin fever hits, they are looking for something to do and get some exercise and fresh air. People tell us the Otsego Octet Challenges are a great motivator.”…


Editorial: Resolution in the New Year

Well, it’s that time again—the new year is just around the corner (or the ball has already dropped, depending upon when you get your copy of the paper or read this online), and many of us are bandying about new year’s resolutions that, let’s face it, probably won’t make it through January. Rather than those sorts of resolutions, here at Iron String Press we have opted instead to focus on things for which we would like to see resolutions in…


Spotted Lanternfly Update

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets recently announced that the spotted lanternfly has been found in new locations across the state. It is an invasive pest insect that feeds on more than 100 plant species, many of which are critical to New York’s agricultural economy.…

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