
Otsego County - Page 12


Farmers’ Museum Prepares for Seasonal Favorite Harvest Festival

There will be an abundance of activities for families and kids at Harvest Fest. At the crafts table, kids can make corn husk dolls, paper strip pumpkins, and autumn greeting cards. There will also be face painting, scavenger hunts and a children’s hay bale maze. Outdoor games include cornhole, nine pins and some traditional 19th-century games. Visitors can ride the Empire State Carousel and the Girl Scouts will be onsite, as well as the Cornell Cooperative Extension and 4-H.…


Parties Meet To Consider Uses for, Conservation of Former Boy Scout Camp

An information sheet distributed by Farmer and titled “Crumhorn Communities Hub” stated: Otsego County Conservation Association, Otsego Land Trust, and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance are proposing a multi-faceted project to create an environmental education center, develop a Community Resiliency and Resource Center, and assist underserved community members with health, safety, and energy efficiency repairs on their homes.”…


The Partial Observer: The Last Roundup

As the result of the massive financial and reputational blows caused by ongoing litigation in recent years concerning Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, the German pharmaceutical giant Bayer has merged with Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically-engineered seeds. Bayer has assured that the politically-charged name “Monsanto” will be disappearing, while product names will remain the same.…


Fetterman Award Nominations Due Friday, August 30

Fetterman Award recipients are honored for their dedication to serving Cooperstown’s local youth, especially in the area of athletics. The intent is to honor a community member with a show of genuine appreciation by the Clark Family/Foundation/Sports Center for all they have done for youth and athletics, officials said.…


Bassett Receives $17M in FEMA Reimbursements

The $17 million in COVID-19 reimbursement funding from the federal government’s Federal Emergency Management Agency follows an earlier FEMA distribution of $6 million. Providing that money, said Schumer, is both an act of thanks for Bassett Healthcare’s role during the “darkest days of the pandemic,” and a boost for the future in helping Bassett close budget gaps caused by the unexpected and additional spending that was necessary in order to serve its rural community following the arrival of COVID.…


Golf Tournament Supports Helios Care Work, Services

The Lucky Duck Golf Tournament began 18 years ago as a friends tournament, and has evolved into a significant community-wide fundraising event supporting many local charities and nonprofit organizations. Throughout the years, the money raised from this tournament has been used to help fix roofs on houses, support transportation costs for families in need, and more.…

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